  • db-cooper submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your ideal selfWrite a letter to your ideal self 7 months, 2 weeks ago

    Perfect standards

    Hey you!
    I wanted to let you know you are doing a great job in your life. Your getting things done and making things happening for yourself, kicking ass and taking names. Your mother and father are still together which is endearing and you sister is going to college, you have the best relationship with her.
    You’ve went to school as well what a feat! You graduated and became a forensic psychologist, and look at your body it is amazing, What have you been doing!?
    How are your kiddos doing? They must be getting big. Your son has also been to college, he’s a great kid! Your daughter what a beautiful young lady she’s 13 now and made high honors in school.
    You are so lucky,You have no family drama…
    Danielle, Your mom and dad raised you right, You’re a great mom yourself. always tending to your children making sure they have everything they need. The farm house you live in is gorgeous, and it’s so emaculate how do you do it all and keep it together without losing your sanity, You’ve always been a patient person so that’s not hard to believe. I wish I had The luck you have, always winning on the lottery, man… you have it made!

    Danielle Bettro

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    • Danielle! I love this! You have such a strong sense of what will and does give you peace in life. I can feel the warmth of home in your writing. Your life will unfold as you plan, I just know it. It is all in your control. Your heart will guide you. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. Happy Holidays! <3 Lauren

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