  • daley submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At PeaceWrite A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At Peace 3 months, 3 weeks ago

    Hall of Famer

    Hall of Famer

    Prepping for the morning wash-up,
    I found an all-to-familiar frowny face in the mirror,
    squinty eyes peeking through hair
    continuing to get thinner
    as opposed to other pieces and parts
    that could certainly benefit from that descriptive
    and actual transformation according to
    both my cardiologist and primary care MD
    who recommend forms of exercise deeper than
    tapping keyboards and wresting with steering wheels.

    my inner rock and roll maven showed up,
    flashing her eyebrows up and down;
    then the eyes went wide,
    bringing the blue to the front,
    allowing residual mascara to do its job
    of highlighting long lashes.
    She was chanting old doo-wop,
    the stuff we miss in the alleged music of now,
    which merged nicely into
    duke, duke duke, duke of earl…
    the best song of 1962,
    which forced her to do rhythmic arm raises,
    which moved to wide arm spreads,
    which ended with rhythmic overhead clapping,
    which automatically triggered
    loud, loud singing which meant
    stretching the lower half of her face
    and shifting her shoulders,
    and then she noticed her breasts waving,
    but off rhythm,
    so she cupped them (including the overflow)
    and added them to the dance routine
    and then she started twirling
    which moved her into the hall.
    On and on she went,
    room to room,
    noticing what needed to be picked up or dusted,
    letting it all become memories,
    until she saw a clock and vaguely remembered
    one of us had a doctor’s appointment,
    another one,
    to address arthritis
    or was it a hip today
    or feet,
    maybe the hands.

    When there’s no one else at home,
    the space becomes her venue,
    so Pieces & Parts she rants
    in her best Freddy Mercury howl,
    as she blows herself kisses,
    and there is immediate relief
    from the flowing angst
    that ebbs and flows
    from conversations
    she would skip if she could,
    and instead, now,
    she seizes the moment
    that brings her the song that
    start the twirling,
    inside and out,
    as she blows herself kisses
    while parading back and forth
    in front of the bathroom mirror!
    Yee-haw Taylor Swift!
    Look out.

    Dale M. Tushman

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    • Dale, you are an absolute inspiration. We are never too old (or too young, for that matter) to embrace our inner rock and roll. I love how you transition from feeling some irritation about the struggles of aging to being a superstar in your home. I, too, find peace in singing and dancing spastically when no one else is around. Thank you so much for sharing this piece. I am off to begin my own concert now!

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    • Emmy: Thank you so much for this note. Glad to support my home group! Sometimes a girl just has to rock! Dale T.

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    • It’s amazing how a song can bring us back to a moment or continuously inspire us to create a moment. Love this. Rock on. <3 Lauren

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