  • Chicken Littleitis

    Chicken Littleitis, Severe

    Have you heard?
    The sky is falling.
    Unpack the suitcase
    said the little bird
    parked in the nest
    behind my eyes,
    and she was chirping like mad.
    The voice,
    so like my mother’s
    when she wanted to tell me something
    was going to be too hard
    or I was too small.
    Don’t leave she would say.
    Today the voice said
    you are not to take
    that trip to the high road,
    you’re too small,
    too tall,
    too young,
    too old,
    too thin,
    too fat —
    whatever it is,
    you are it
    or have it.
    Stay here, so you
    and I can have tea for two.
    I did what you’re doing, she chirped.
    I left when I was your age
    and my life has never
    been the same.
    Was it all bad
    I asked?
    It couldn’t be I said,
    because here I am and look
    at our house
    and your fur coat
    and all those hats with veils.
    Pay attention to your dreams
    I heard that voice whisper.
    Was it crying?
    Don’t stay inside the lines
    like I did, the voice, went on.
    Find open skies.
    Buy big kites and fly.
    Follow the gypsy path,
    the river, deep and wide,
    like that that Huckleberry Finn boy.
    Stay on the roads less traveled,
    talk to the people who make you cry
    and laugh,
    learn a bit of this and that,
    and see if you can find
    that which makes your heart
    beat faster and your smile bigger.
    Don’t go where people tell you to go
    unless you feel that heartbeat rise
    and your breath flows easily,
    like when you sleep. A perfect fit.
    There’s always time for a “this” – a hat-
    or a “that”- a fur coat.
    Or there isn’t.
    Go where dreams take you.
    What you will miss
    may be there, or not,
    whether you are or not.
    Leap. Fly. Fall. Dance.
    You will always find
    Make peace with loss;
    accept either/or;
    take “and” and hold it up to a mirror
    next to “maybe”.
    Stay connected
    to your heart.
    Always find the sky.
    Check to see if it’s falling,
    or whether that problem
    is in someone else’s yard.
    Fly kites so you keep looking up.
    Laugh, if only to and with yourself.
    If someone looks at you,
    like you’re strange,
    just smile and say:
    Thank you.

    Dale M. Tushman

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    • I can tell embracing your uniqueness is a value of yours and I’m sure that’s inspired many great adventures and stories. A colorful life that’s true to yourself… inspiring! <3 Juvi

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    • Dale I so love your free spirit and how you have leaned into it your whole life. Thank you for sharing <3 Lauren

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