

  • It Wasn't the Problem

    It finally went away with acceptance.
    It went away when I quit fighting with it, but invited it to tag along.
    It went away when I saved it a seat.
    It went away when I invited it on an adventure.
    It went away when I bought it a special treat.
    It went away when I pushed it on a swing.
    It went away when I gave it its own pillow.
    It went away when I asked for help.
    It went away when I took it to serve someone.
    It went away when I offered it healthy food.
    It went away when we did ketamine together.
    It went away as we walked mile after mile.

    It went away when I realized it wasn’t a problem, but a person to be loved.

    Tamee Maxfield

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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