

  • Better Together

    Death looms all around us
    from our first moment of existence,
    at life’s coalescence,
    it shrouds our very essence,
    like breath rides with the wind.
    Eighteen funerals in a decade,
    remembering those lost lives lived.
    I find it ironic it’s called a wake,
    since they’re never to awaken again.
    Being Earth-side is hard and fleeting,
    we’re all just trying to survive
    until the day that every single one of us
    will eventually, inevitably die.
    Accidents and illness,
    people vicious and malicious,
    aging bodies growing old and weary,
    with tired minds and over-worked spines,
    usher infinite possible endings
    to this time we’re merely renting
    animating stories out of our control, really.
    So we need to lead with love,
    and remember to take care of one other.
    A dollar, a meal, a blanket, a hug,
    a conversation or sharing some of your luck,
    these little considerations
    have wide reverberations
    that make us humans driven
    towards connection and expansion,
    a purpose forged in our blood.
    It’s the humanity in humanity
    that saves us from insanity
    and provides direction on our journeys
    as we crawl through life in a hurry,
    wherein mortality we find unity,
    walking each another home unjudged.

    Alyssa Grimes

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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  • Never lose yourself to love them

    Many of us grew up imagining what love should be like. I remember eagerly anticipating adulthood and picturing myself with a house, kids, a husband, and those unexplainable bursts of happiness and peace. Now, looking back, I wish I hadn’t been so focused on finding happiness with someone else and instead focused on finding happiness within myself. I went through relationships that broke me to the point where I didn’t see repairing myself as possible. I allowed individuals I loved to dim my light more and more, and not only did they know what they were doing, but they took pleasure in it. I would never wish that on anyone. it upon anyone to experience losing who they are to pour and build someone up while they intentionally destroy you. It changes you in a way that only those who have been through it could ever understand. I want to teach the opposite of what Disney and Lifetime and many other major platforms and music and any other influences that push the narrative of finding love being the top priority and the only thing of substance life can bring you. Instead, I want to push falling in love with myself. Spoil yourself, date yourself, encourage and build up the most important person which is you. Once you master that I know the universe the powers to be will bring what is meant for you to you. You won’t have to question you will not have to dim your light to appease others. You will not have to hurt to know love. If I could tell the youth and encourage those in a dark place right now fighting to see the light again I would say never ever allow anyone or anything to make you lose yourself in proving that you are worthy of love, happiness, or acceptance. I want to tell you that if I love you no one else has. I see your value, I see your worth, you are worthy, you are deserving and you will obtain anything your heart desires. Never give up on the most crucial person, Yourself!!

    Azaina Goodman

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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  • You've got this.

    Breathe in. Breathe out.

    Trust not in where you are going but where you are in this moment.

    Life is messy. Life is hard. It is embracing the moments in between. Peaks of sunshine in the shadows. Light and hope in the darkness.

    We so easily try to reach for what is easy. What satisfies our cravings. Simple pleasures. An infinite, lasting amount of joy that cannot be taken away.

    But sadly, it can in a moment.

    Through loss and grief I have learned that life is so much more than living for the mundane or seeking something temporary to satisfy my soul.

    I lost my husband in February of 2020, prior to Covid when he passed from melanoma. From diagnosis to when he passed was a blur of three months. He had been sick for a few months prior with no answers and when we got it, it slapped us in the face.

    But every day I looked into his eyes and into my children’s eyes and knew that it was in those eyes I would find the reason to breathe. And to keep going.

    In the space that followed his death I went through the motions of life. Barely connecting the dots. But I knew that life wasn’t about me. It wasn’t about my loss. It wasn’t about my grief that weighed me down like a thick, heavy blanket after my two young daughters went to sleep each night.

    Life was and still is about the moments in between the heavy. It was about the laughter my girls brought me each and every day. It was about the neighbors and friends who showed up for me when I could barely keep myself and my children alive when the world was shrouded in fear of a virus.

    It was about long walks and rays of sunshine and music playing and birds singing even when I felt the storm clouds inside.

    It was and still is about simple prayers and so much grace for myself from a loving creator who gives me a quiet strength each and every day.

    It is about trusting in who I am and where I am made to be. It is about knowing we cannot plan for circumstances and that life rarely turns out the way we expect it to.

    But even when we find ourselves buried under the weight of it all, that doesn’t mean we can’t find hope in the very moment we are afraid of. There is beauty if we open our eyes and our hearts to it, but we have to let it in.

    Since 2020, I have found more hope than I ever thought possible. The biggest lesson I have learned in this life is to not give up when it gets hard, but to lean into the mess. To know that even the biggest challenges we face are temporary. It is so easy to let our circumstances weigh us down or stress us out. Even when I haven’t seen the way out, I have known to trust in someone so much greater than myself. I have known that I am made for and worthy of beautiful things.

    When we trust in where we are, when we open our eyes and our hearts to hope, it is easier to see the gifts that surround us. The light and beauty offered through grace even when the journey is hard.

    So let go, my friend. Lean in. See the beauty that surrounds you. You’ve got this.

    Kristin Schaaf

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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  • Rain

    Remember change is necessary for growth
    It can rain all day but prone to flower’s survival
    The heat of the sun will come again
    And the rain will have already sucked in
    More buds
    More roots will spread again to make something even more beautiful
    Trees die but new ones are planted
    You can put your seed in whatever is necessary and good for you
    And if not, you can pick it up and plant it elsewhere
    Make a new, cozy home for it
    Protecting it at all costs
    Living with the peace
    Focusing on the good
    Releasing the bad
    Don’t let bad roots stay intertwined in your mind
    Release them, cut them, do whatever you need to do
    Otherwise you will stay stuck and broken
    Clouding what is the greatness of life

    Rachel Milligan

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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  • what we don't know

    an ant would crawl on my desk
    tempted by fate to seek food
    and with a few crumbs in view
    it scurries on with finesse

    the ant would wonder and ponder
    what to do and how to go about
    bringing home this tasty treat
    to share with those without

    there are many ways to take
    and several paths to avoid
    such as the old spider’s lair
    lurking around the corner

    despite the ant’s careful planning
    it remained unaware of my presence
    and with a swift pressure of my thumb
    it was relieved of it’s existence

    the ant was sad for it tried it’s best
    yet no amount of planning would help
    for there are always higher forces
    who are on a much different quest

    Andrew Stone

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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  • The Hour Is Drawing Near

    We are all on this merry-go round called life. It has its ups and downs. But it’s always been around. I’m grateful for the memories, despite the distance now. Being alone is the only thing I can do now because you are just a shadow that hangs over my house. I can see a new horizon underneath the blazing sky. I’m grateful for the life that I gave myself back.Longing for the love I had, but it won’t come back. I wish I could turn back the hands of time.

    I’ll forever cherish the moments, etched in my mind. You were all my world, and the only thing that’s ever left. Now, I must navigate this world I’ve never known.In this empty space, I’m craving a feeling of home. I know I am alone but I’ll be so far from the things that I never known. In my heart, your presence will forever be shown.

    All the life that I had was turned to empty space. There’s so many twists and turns but, I must find my inner grace. I can’t take this anymore and I cant give up and I just cant go on. Cause im caught in the motion ive had enough of feeling this gone i’ve been caught. Here and now I see the world through different eyes I see the things that remain. So instead of holding on to the things that I cant erase. I live to see that I am strong. I gotta take it all in stride for what the future holds because I’ve been looking for what purpose is.
    And I know that I will never let you down
    I have to thank you for letting me be myself again.

    Though I know I would never let myself become what I want longing to feel alive again. Just so I can see the beauty in this world. If I could live another life and learn how to live as I live to be. And even if I have to change, I know I am not perfect and I can live without you there for me.
    I know that I will never be the same as anyone else with my learning disabilities. Unfortunately, the brightest light in the world is not enough to take the wrong path. Time to take care of everything I have reaped.
    I find myself already on the ground I wont retreat. I will rebuild everything you have taught me and fulfill my dreams without any illusions. I understand that life isn’t always what it seems I’ve got to get it really isn’t.
    I’m taking back all my doubts and
    I’m thankful for the love you bring, it’s my lifeline.

    Tracie Sperling

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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  • Choose You

    Suppressed inconsistencies. Unmatched premonition of self loathing and overwhelming destress. Patience steers the wheel of evolution and science fiction. Within belief I’m stricken. Pulsating convictions with immediate results. Camera shy actions of an insult. Take in criticism like a daily vitamin, with self love as your kryptonite and effective communication as a weapon of might, so use it wisely knowing that patience is working in your favor and is usually reciprocated, allowing for forgiveness which frees you from the intercepting vengeance of bondage, while building character, for joy should be effortless, so don’t just exist, live. 🫶🏿

    Telisha Dennis

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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  • A Woman's Worst Nightmare

    In January 2022, I turned 40 years old. After a yearly checkup, my
    primary care physician asked me to go for my first yearly mammogram. I
    made the appointment but due to unforeseen circumstances, I was unable
    to make that appointment. I then prolonged the appointment for as long as I
    could, as I had heard many stories about it being painful and uncomfortable,
    so I waited it out. In August 2022, I drew up the courage to finally go. It
    wasn’t as terrible as I expected, and the staff was great. About 2 weeks
    later, I received a call explaining they found a mass and they wanted to have
    more images taken and an ultrasound done on my right breast.

    The week after, I went in for the appointment and they discovered
    calcifications after several images. They explained I needed a biopsy to
    ensure it was not cancer. They explained normally since this is the first scan
    and have nothing else to go by, there was nothing to worry about. A few
    days later, I went in for a biopsy. Once I was done, the nurses at the facility
    explained that my primary care physician would call me to come in for the
    results, whether they were good or bad. I received a call the next day asking
    me to come in the next day. When I got there, I went into the room with my
    head high thinking, “I’m only 40. I’m too young to get this. Everything will be
    fine.” When I went back, my doctor came into my room and asked if I knew
    why I was there. I nodded. She had given me the worse news I had ever
    received. The biopsy came back that I had DCIS or Stage 0 Breast Cancer. I
    was devastated. I had 3 children and was a single mom. I was shocked about
    the news and broke down crying in the room with my doctor. She hugged
    me and gave me hope and a book explaining what breast cancer is and
    exactly what I was to expect. I left there and didn’t know what to do or who
    to call. I called my sister and cried with her on the phone on my way back

    When I got home, my children were all there and saw that I had been
    crying. I couldn’t even look at them. I ran upstairs to my bathroom and
    locked the door until I had the courage to come out with a clean face. When
    I went back down, I asked my children to sit together so I could speak with
    them. My youngest sat next to me while my other two children sat across
    from me. I explained my situation and my oldest son (12 years old at the
    time) began crying and asked if I was going to die. I hugged him and
    immediately told him I was going to be fine. I explained that I needed
    surgery to take out the cells and it would be a process going forward. I
    showed the children the book that I was given and explained to them what
    was expected to happen. They calmed down.

    When I went to the oncologist shortly after, she explained how
    important it is to keep up with yearly mammograms. She said if I had waited
    any longer, the cancer could have been worse and/or spread. At this point, I
    am glad that I did not wait any longer to have it checked. On October 21 st ,
    2022, I had a lumpectomy of my right breast to remove the calcifications
    and have been cancer free since. After the surgery, I was tested to see if I
    needed chemotherapy and/or radiation. After they tested the cells, the
    radiologist came back with wonderful news. The cells came back that I only
    had a 7% chance of the cancer returning with or without radiation or chemo,
    so she stated I did not need either

    My message to the world is to keep up with your appointments and
    your health. Ladies, please do not wait to get a mammogram. You may not
    feel any lumps or have any issues currently, but it can still be there.
    Gentlemen, please ensure your sisters, wives, girlfriends, and any other
    woman in your life, goes to see their doctor to be screened. It can be a
    matter of life and death.


    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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  • Bad Womb Service

    I was born three months early to a drug addicted mother. My foster parents, who became my adoptive parents, showed me all the tender love and care I needed to help me get healthy. They kept me from meeting a fate of becoming a vegetable or dying, both of which the doctor said were my only two options in life.

    While I appreciate their many sacrifices, I know that what you do for someone does not make up for what you do TO them. I experienced nearly every form of trauma in my life as I got older. I also witnessed a great of trauma.

    All of that to say, I became an extremely miserable person. I was constantly depressed, I suffered from an eating disorder, (trigger warning) and even engaged in self-injurious behavior.

    I recall praying to God to be someone else, whether it was a schoolmate with whom I was enamored, or a member of my favorite girl group. I was so disappointed to wake up as “just me.” I recall thinking God had let me down, allowing me to be abused in the womb, and “rescued” by a family that would later disappoint and harm me, while on the outside we seemed like a happy family.

    One day, God did make me someone else; but, it was not in the way I had hoped. Through allowing positive individuals to speak hope and encouragement into my life, and shifting my perspective, I realized that I could not change the hand that I was dealt; but, it was up to me whether or not I would wallow in self-pity or use my story to inspire others.
    I realized I could seek to live a life of success and happiness, as opposed to being a victim of my circumstances.

    Therefore, I decided to learn how to become my own friend, rather than own worst enemy. I learned to express gratitude; and, rather than see difficulties as confirmation of my lack of favor with God, they became opportunities to learn, to grow, and to inspire those that cross my path.

    Professionally, I became a mental health therapist. Personally, I learned to be more compassionate, as well as someone who can make others laugh, not just someone who always complained and sought sympathy.

    Want me to prove it? *Ahem* Why did they make Finding Dory? I’d say it’s because if Nemo kept getting lost, they’d have to call CPS. Actually, Sea PS.

    (Admit it, you smiled) Being able to use humor to cope, and mustering up the courage to fight against my insecurities to start my modeling career in 2021, does not mean I do not shed tears and experience physical and emotional pain.

    I’ve learned what I wish everyone could learn early in life, which is that you may have your problems; however, your problems don’t have to have nor define you. Whether you experienced bad womb service, abuse, poverty, you name it, tragic beginnings do not mean you cannot choose to create a triumphant trajectory in life. I say create intentionally because I also realized I could wish upon stars and pray all day long, (I swear my guardian angel must be exhausted). However, it is up to me to actively form meaningful connections, pursue the opportunities I desire, and choose to give myself that glimmer of hope through a favorite song, a walk, or whatever my soul craves during the darkest moments.

    Jessica Shanel

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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  • Life is Hard

    Life is hard!
    I don’t make enough money.
    I can’t pay my bills.
    My car broke down.
    I’m sick and can’t afford the doctor bill.
    I’m stuck on autopilot!
    Then I received the best advice,
    I’ve ever been given.
    “Life doesn’t get easier,
    you learn to cope better!”
    I charged my thinking,
    which changed my actions.
    I worked three jobs and saved money.
    In a year,
    I was living more stable & comfortably.
    This advice has stuck with me
    and helps me through hard times.
    It has forever changed me
    for the better!

    Briar Hex

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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    • “Life doesn’t get easier,
      you learn to cope better!”

      That is great advice! We only get stronger as we face each adversity. I love the message you chose to share to the world, it’s something we could all use a reminder of from time to time.

      Write me back 

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  • Death's Alternative

    Dear Unsealers,

    Before you decide death is the solution to relieving your depression-move to that new town you always dreamed of living in. Separate yourself from the traumatic memories that were created in your current home. Take your child or your best friend on that road trip you put on your bucket list when you were ten years old. Apply for your passport and plan your trip to that country you always wanted to vacation to. Leave that one sided friendship. Create an exit plan for your toxic relationship.

    When I was laying on what I intended to be my deathbed, I replayed all the moments in my head that led me to my decision to end my life. I thought about my friendship with my sweet, beautiful nana. She gave me my first journal, she taught me how to cook, and she introduced me to arts and crafts. She simply talked to me. She was the only one who truly made me feel heard. However, our time together was cut short when she was diagnosed with liver cancer. She passed away a couple months after her diagnosis-two days before my fifteenth birthday.

    I thought about the first time I ever cut myself. I was so angry with my mom for always taking the side of her boyfriend and their daughter. I ran upstairs after the argument and just cried. I couldn’t catch my breath, my heart was rapidly racing and I was sweating profusely. I went into my bathroom, grabbed my razor and shaved and shaved and shaved until the top layer of my wrist turned red.

    I thought about the violence that was normalized within my family. My mom told me stories about how my father was always in and out of jail for drugs and assault. She told me stories about how my father would beat on her as well. Unfortunately, I got to witness my mom get hit by her boyfriend, who was also my youngest sister’s father. I watched from the crack in my room door as he slapped her and made her cry. However, that wasn’t the last time we saw him. My mom ended up marrying him.

    I thought about my father and how his inconsistency in my life, normalized inconsistency in my relationships. I didn’t date a lot of people, but the people I did date, treated my life like a revolving door-coming in and out as they pleased-and I let them.

    I thought about my very first abusive relationship. For an entire decade, my ex sexually assaulted me, manipulated me into going back to him when he felt me trying to move on, argued with me from sundown to sunrise and, at times, physically assaulted me from sundown to sunrise. He would hit me in places no one would notice like my arms and thighs. I started to hit him back, but that just made him angrier because he wanted the last hit.

    I thought about the people that I dated after him. Instead of healing, I jumped into another situationship that left me heartbroken. I tricked myself into believing that he was good for me just because he wasn’t physically assaulting me. This cycle continued of me dating the same men in different bodies until I met my second abusive ex that ended up being the boiling point to me wanting to end my life.
    I thought about how I should have been sent to therapy when my depression first started in middle school. Had I gotten help earlier in life for my trauma, the likelihood of me trying to end my life would have greatly decreased. However, my community and family did not believe in therapy. They had it ingrained in my head that therapy was only for “crazy people.”

    I thought about how my family and friends would feel hearing the news, but I just wanted the pain to end.

    So here’s a thought- instead of ending your life- end that toxic relationship. Instead of ending your life- end the negative stigma surrounding mental health. Instead of ending your life-remove the people and things in your life that bring you pain or add to your pain. From someone who tried ending there’s-I am glad that I wasn’t successful. I get to try one more time. I get to try one more day. I learned to find joy in removal before removing myself from this life.

    Pree Dianna

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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  • "Who's Cheating Who?"

    My Dear Handsome Husband,

    I have a confession to make. One that I cannot even accept as true!
    Do you know I’m cheating on you? Do you know you’re cheating on me? I know for a fact we’re cheating on each other. Do you? I know you are cheating on me. I’m not sure if you know I am cheating on you! How ‘bout them apples?
    To be together 37 years and to realize now, at this stage of our lives, there’s cheating going on simply baffles my mind and my heart. I keep telling myself it isn’t true! It’s impossible! Us? NEVER in a million years! It just cannot be true!
    How can we still be so deeply in love with each other and have this happen? I know I still love and adore you with all my heart and want nothing but happiness for you. I believe you feel the same for me.
    Yet, here we are in the thick of it, not knowing what to do, where to turn, what to say, how to fix it. Obviously, we’ve been broken for a while. We really don’t talk as much as we used to. We don’t share too much of anything anymore with each other. I feel so alone. I know you do to. When did we and our communication break down?
    I’m not sure when you started cheating. And, here I go. I started cheating on you within this past year (or two). Why? Because you became distant, quiet and kept your feelings in – as did I. We’re the couple that can’t keep their mouths shut and we chatter it up with each other all the time. The quiet is so deafening loud inside. It’s so weird not talking like we used to hence, we are cheating cheaters.
    Ok, without stalling any longer, I wholeheartedly own I have cheated on you. I’m cheating you out of the life you want and deserve. How? I feel you would not have the problems, the stressors and the thoughts you have each and every day. It’s true. You would be free to do as you want when you want and not worry about all the things you worry about. You would deny this I’m sure.
    You are cheating on me, out of my hopes and dreams that comes with tears almost every day. I may cry for five seconds, five minutes. It doesn’t matter. The tears fall. The breathing gets tougher. The suffocation lingers throughout the day, every day. I try hard to be upbeat, positive, and helpful. I can’t stand feeling I’ve let you down but honestly, I’m gotten real exhausted acting like everything is okay when it’s not. I am tapped out.
    When we come right down to it, we are cheating ourselves, and on each other, out of the life we talked about years, YEARS ago. This life right now isn’t what either one of us wants but, my love, this is it. You know it as much as I do. I don’t know if it’s too late to salvage us.
    I’m willing to wipe the slate clean and start fresh. The rest of our days cannot continue this way. It isn’t a life anymore. I believe, with our hearts, our love and commitment to each other we can stop, take a few deep breaths and rewrite our story. We can reach a place where our hopes and dreams we had can come true. At least some of them. We deserve this for each other. We’re better than this. Please, let’s not waste any more time. Life is too short and we are in the fourth quarter of our lives. I hope you agree and want to jump into a new chapter with me. We’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain for the rest of our days. It’s time. IT’S OUR TIME!
    If there’s a funny part to all of this, it’s the whole cheating on each other. It makes me kind of smirk a smile because we’ve never cheated on each other with another person and when the words cheat, cheating, cheated is brought up, nine out of ten times it’s automatically assumed it has to do with another person.
    Well, my hubby, let’s do this! We’ve got each other and have what it takes to do this and I, for one, am 100 percent in! Thirty-seven years is a lot of love and what do we always say? “No matter what, LOVE ALWAYS WINS!”

    LYMA (Love You More Always!),
    Your Dear Wonderful Wife

    Ter Delaney

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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  • Dear Homie:

    When I was a child, the word most often applied to me was shy. Not true. I simply enjoyed watching. Everything. Every night, I would write in my book, a book I had liberated from my father’s store. An order book. Lines and spaces. I could print very well by the age of five so I considered myself a writer because what I printed looked just like the books I read.

    Writing has been my best friend since childhood. My bedroom window opened onto a gigantic oak tree with a notch I would climb into once I got rid of my parents, an easy task since they were people who did not necessarily want children. Before therapy became the response to those of us who were non-conformists, and journaling became the go-to for all forms of wretchedness or well-being, I held readings from my book about what I had seen, what my dreams were, and who was mean. My audience was the man in the moon, the stars, the trees, whomever or whatever else was out there. Always a friendly crowd. I still have memories of my father trying to calm my screaming mother when they found me out there in the morning, asleep.

    My “formal” writing started with messages stuffed into my father’s empty whiskey bottles, rare commodities since he was a shot-with-dinner guy, and I would set them free in the ocean across the street. I also had my notes to Santa which I stashed in milk bottles my mother left in a container that sat on the doorstep because I heard the delivery man was Catholic and, therefore, a Santa person. I learned that connection in Hebrew school. I was raised in an Orthodox Jewish family, so the Santa-et-al thinking, along with the bacon my mother stashed in a Tupperware container she labeled “broccoli” in our highly kosher refrigerator, were early signs that I was destined to live a life of creative non and real fiction. I also wrote my own (fabulous) absence notes for school since my mother had withdrawn from a great deal of parenting. Apparently, no one read them or perhaps they knew our lives.

    I immersed myself in A-level papers throughout the thousands of years I spent gathering degrees and debt. Eventually, and at times simultaneously, I produced ardent and (hopefully) articulate political protest letters (an ongoing effort), sold some short stories, and even built a life in New York publishing. Prose was my go-to and then, after a ten-year silence brought on by wars private and other, poetry emerged. The shy girl now has two voices.
    Carl Jung says that each one of us carries the collective, so I now consider my writing an a cappella chorus. Does anyone else find it funny that the quiet one is now the mouthpiece? My father the gangster is out there laughing somewhere. He always introduced me as the jail-house lawyer to be. Maybe he was a visionary.
    Now my title is psychotherapist. People tell me stories all day. For more than thirty years I have been listening to stories. I tell people to keep “talking” no matter the form: Write. Paint. Dance. Grow flowers. Bake. Fold the sheets on your bed as neatly as you want or don’t want. Keep magazines that are 10 years old because you like the memories. House neat, house messy – you need to feel satisfied. Shame is given to you by others. Happy is given to you by you. You decide how much or how little you need the words of others to bring you joy or peace or laughter as much as that bad brownie you baked or the new purple stripe in your hair.

    Yes, there are boundaries, and, yes, there are rules. Find your space (mine was in a tree) and celebrate the life you make. Tree notches are everywhere.

    Daley, your bestie

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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  • You Don't Ever "Have To"

    September 04, 2024
    Hello fellow humans,
    I’d ask how you’re all doing, but I think from the majority of you I’d receive a lie. Not because you want to lie, but because you feel like you “have to”. You’d feel compelled to tell me “I’m fine” so I don’t get uncomfortable with the burden of carrying a piece of your truth. You’d smile even though your heart is heavy with worry. You’d wish me well and carry on, because that’s what we’ve been taught to do.
    But, what if I told you there is nothing in your adult life that you “have to” do? What if you liberated yourself from the notion that you owe anything to anyone? What if you were free to roam about the world as your most authentic self?
    That sounds insane, I know. I can hear you already, “oh so you don’t have to follow laws?”, “ you don’t have to pay bills?”, “you don’t have to be a kind person?”. In short, no. Would there be unsavory consequences to not doing those things? Absolutely. Would I wholeheartedly advise you to still be a productive and honest member of society? Absolutely. But, when you break it down, in every decision, you have a choice. Every. Decision.
    So where would this altered thinking come in handy? We’ve established we aren’t breaking laws or becoming complete a-holes. How about when you’re asked to stay that extra hour, unpaid, at work? Would your first thought be, well I would have to or I would lose my job? Strike the have to. You have made yourself believe that you’d lose the job. That’s not a certainty, and even if it was, do you really want a job that consistently takes you for granted?
    How about when that friend that treats you like garbage asks you to go out? You have to because you’ve known them for years? Nope. If you’ve filled your comfort zone with people that make you uncomfortable, it’s time to bust down some walls of societal pressure and get the heck out of there.
    What about the biggest “have to” of all? I have to because they’re my family. Ask yourself, did you choose these people that abuse you? No, you didn’t. I want to be clear, I know that families have all kinds of quirks and histories that we learn to love each other through. That’s the nature of the bond, to love them through their messy because they’ll love you through yours. This applies to the ones that aren’t holding up their end of the deal. The ones that manipulate you into believing that you have no choice but to accept however they treat you because they happen to share the same DNA. You didn’t choose them, so you have every right to choose not to allow them in your life. This does not make you the villain, even if that’s how they tell the story. Period.
    I know, it’s hard. It’s hard to reprogram your brain from years of being told that to be kind is to be utterly selfless. You can do it though. You can create a life that suits you and brings you joy, a life that is free from obligation and therefore truly authentic. And what you’ll find is that deep down our nature is to be loving, our nature is to care for others and want to help where we can, our nature is to choose kindness. We aren’t these evil creatures we’ve been guilted into believing we are born as. We just become them when we stop feeling like our life is our own.
    Well, that’s the lesson I felt compelled to share for the brief moment I have your attention. I wish you all the peace that comes from living free from the weight of “have to”. You don’t have to take this letter to heart, but I really hope you do.
    With love,

    Natasha Woods

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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  • The Master Key

    The Master Key

    Art is a critical piece for sure, mindset, movement, so much more. The master key is enjoying life no matter how you feel

    The journey real
    Each breath we take
    Out we give
    We make mistakes

    Perfectly imperfect
    In so many ways
    Seeing ourselves
    Moving through the days

    Hell in our minds
    We have a choice
    Breathe out
    Choose to rejoice

    The gift is here
    For you and me
    Here lies the treasure
    Of ultimate peace

    Forgive and let go
    Look in the mirror and say
    I love you
    Each and every day

    Perspectives we have
    Each special for sure
    Sharing physical space
    Each in a virtual world

    The gift of pain
    Drives presence awake
    Opportunities to rise
    Time to intake

    The Masters have shown
    So many ways
    Pathways illuminate
    In darkness we find the rays

    For each who seeks
    The answers are inside
    Your hearts compass
    Is a true guide

    Into the unknown
    With courage step forth
    Choose to forgive
    Choose to thank

    Ultimate forgiveness
    For all that forsake
    This is the way
    To open the gate

    The gate of the mind
    Way to uptake
    The beauty of life
    Choose and unlock destinies fate

    Spencer Schwab

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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  • Do Until You Become

    Dear Unsealers,

    “Fake it until you make it.”

    I think this motto is disingenuous to the human experience. Here is a modified version which I live by:

    “Do until you become.”

    Why do I prefer this motto over faking it?

    The first motto implies that you are trying to be something you are not.

    My preferred motto sounds as if you are stepping into a suit that is custom-tailored for you.

    This motto saved my life recently. For months, I had been suffering from severe depression.

    I was even admitted to the psych hospital for two weeks.

    One day, I decided that this was the last straw. I could not keep living like this –

    Experiencing no joy in activities I normally love.

    Having trouble getting started on tasks.

    Constantly worrying about money.

    Hurting myself because I hated myself.

    Thinking many times a day about ending my life.

    Feeling hopeless that nothing in my life would change.

    I thought about everything wrong in my life.

    Then I discovered a self-care app that changed my life.

    At the risk of sounding like free advertising, l will not reveal the app’s name.

    This app helped me develop coping skills.

    It kept track of my goals and special projects.

    It built my support system.

    It made me stay busy so depression would leave my mind.

    It gave me motivation and strengthened my will to live.

    I’m not going to say that this app worked right away. That, too, would be disingenuous.

    It took a few weeks of using the app to feel euthymic again.

    Tranquil and stable instead of highly anxious and severely depressive.

    My head is now filled with positive affirmations.

    When I have a negative thought, I ask myself “Is this thought helpful to me right now?”

    If the thought suits me, I do something about it.

    If it does not help me, I table the thought until I can take action, or I let it go and replace it with a positive thought.

    “Do until you become” almost always involves a slow burn, but it is effective when I work at whatever change I desire.

    It can help you, too. It may take weeks or months to see results. Be patient. You will find the outcome you need.

    Blue Sky

    Voting starts December 2, 2024 12:00am

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  • Joy Before Happiness

    Dear world,
    The message I’m sending to you today may sound indelicate, abrasive even, and I sincerely apologize for that. I’m a part-time people pleaser trying to unlearn the more negative aspects of that personality dynamic, one of which is the notion that people should be kept happy AT ALL TIMES. That being said, I will forewarn you that my message may not make you feel happy,, but I promise you, it will bring you joy- that joy which is an abiding and abundant reality, always awaiting our approach, deliberately desiring our determined efforts to dwell within its keep.

    The only way through to this true joy, requires the swallowing of a veritable buffet of what at first glance appear to be bitter pills- the first of which is the fact that you will suffer and you will die. When you swallow this truth, you free yourself from fear and despair. Suffering has the potential to be our most powerful teacher, and it can become a friend, if we are brave enough to reach out a hand. Now get me wrong, I don’t want to encourage you to intentionally seek out opportunities to get hurt or to cause suffering for others. What I mean is, suffering may be inevitable, but we can choose to transform its energy within us to strengthen ourselves and to bring that same gift of healing to the world around us as well.

    Depending on how we approach the wounds we bear, we can choose to shape a future of growth and evolution. Through the shattering capabilities of grief, loss, and evil, we can learn to truly appreciate the beauty of life. That is the balancing act, seeking gratitude for life despite its myriad challenges and afflictions. We have the power to transform our hurts into growing pains.
    Although, we can just as easily turn them our slowing pains. These wounds can fester and rot, weighing us down with crushing regret. What makes the difference between the two outcomes? How do we choose the better way?

    We must summon the courage to swallow the bittersweet pill. I found it through writing and being still. Now I’d like to share (bear with me if you will). More words onto this page are ready to spill. Watch now how they turn to a poem. I pray they may help steer you back home.

    Yo, is it true? Do I have the world’s ear?

    Then the first words I’d disperse would be about fear.
    Our greatest nemesis; it lives in the mirror,
    Love alone beats it and can help you see clear, And without love, living’s so cavalier.

    It’s hard to believe that…

    The mere marvel of living, of your being here,
    Can be so easily swiped up and stolen within fear’s hostile grip,
    It’s right at your feet now, tryin’ and lyin’ to make you trip,
    It tells you you’re tiny, an insignificant drip.

    Just a
    in the sea.

    That’s a lie, an illusion, a thought we must flee.
    It’s a curse, a delusion, and we’re born just to be,
    Something much greater, Dig deep and you’ll see,
    That you are surely a drop
    But of your own degree,
    And that makes you much more,
    In fact, that sets you free.

    You must believe that…

    There’s a little bit of you in every me,
    There’s a little bit of sadness in every glee,
    An infinite universe in each little inch of a tree,
    A little bit of bitter coupled with every sweet.

    And once you start to believe that…

    You’ll come to see…

    We’re shaped for our spot, and where we stay to our zone,
    You’ll find in those “ruins,” that you sit on a throne.
    Not just the word,
    But the meaning inside it,
    Abide now in peace, ever beside it.
    Let the words guide you, as you grow on your way,
    Let them reveal themselves like the light of new day.
    Now gently breaking, now a luminous bloom,
    This presence now here that could fill up a room.

    The power of healing lies in each word you lay,
    To learn where love’s leading, let there be no delay,
    It’s calling your name, to be bold if I may,
    Here’s what you have, and here’s what I pray:

    You hold in your hands one moment, one day,
    And I pray you’ll unfold the wonder within it, That you’ll embrace the buffet,

    And in those moments of sorrow, when living looms grey,
    Let the love that still lingers reshape you like clay.
    Feel the power of love’s fingers arranging a novel array.

    Your greatest teacher and your greatest friend lives still in the wallows, in the shattered remains of your heart,
    And that broken heart within you isn’t the end,
    love, it’s the start.

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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  • Speak

    Dear World,

    It’s hard to choose my most impactful life lesson, as I’ve had plenty thus far. Sometimes, I feel as if my lessons up until this point could fit into an entire lifetime for someone else. I know they’ve all been necessary for my evolution because I believe a significant reason our souls are here is to learn, grow, and evolve into a wiser version of ourselves.

    Adversity in life can diminish us to ashes, but we can choose to rise into a more empowered state. Multiple moments in my life have felt like the death of my old self and the rebirth of a new version of me.

    I’ve learned the importance of compassion, kindness, respect, consent, and the necessity for authenticity, even if people around you disapprove. To be true to yourself is to respect yourself.

    Anxiety, rumination, and incessant negative words to myself have taught me to give myself compassion, even when it’s challenging. I must habitually interrupt negative thoughts and redirect my mind toward the door of kindness. Being my own best friend has been vital.

    Learning to hold space for my pain has been pertinent as I’ve navigated people telling me that my pain is unimportant and minuscule, even though it isn’t. Mine isn’t, and yours isn’t. Our pain matters, and we must create a safe emotional space. I must honor my pain even if the world doesn’t care. You also must honor yours.

    I’ve learned it’s okay to feel uncomfortable and state if I don’t consent. Whether or not it matters to anyone else, it matters to me.

    I’ve learned that it’s okay to feel how I feel, even if others wish I felt differently. It’s alright to be sensitive; the world needs more sensitivity because compassion comes with it.

    I’ve learned the importance of self-forgiveness. I have made mistakes throughout my life, and I imagine I’ll continue to. Giving ourselves grace and recognizing the lessons that come with our errors is essential. Most importantly, we must wake up the next day and try again.

    I’ve learned that if people disrespect me, I must counteract that disrespect with kindness toward another while keeping a boundary with the person who disrespected me.

    All of these have been vital lessons for me thus far, and I imagine I’ll learn many more, but one lesson has reared its beautiful head amongst all the rest:


    In a world that wants me to be quiet, I must speak.
    In a world that wants me to follow the status quo, I must speak.
    In a world that wants me to keep its secrets, I must speak.
    In a world that wants me to hide myself to keep someone else content, I must speak.

    Maybe this isn’t your most significant life lesson, but it’s mine, and I ask you to consider it. The world wants us to pretend we’re fine while crumbling inside. In my experience, the world wants us to remain quiet while people disrespect us. People expect us to allow this disrespect because God forbid we tell someone we don’t like their behavior. They’d have to look at themselves if we spoke up.

    Too bad, I say. It’s time to look.

    I learned to accept and use my voice by allowing people to disrespect me, tell me my feelings don’t matter, tell me I’m not allowed to feel them, and tell me I should be quiet.

    I learned this as I lost sleep at night, wondering why the world wanted me to hide my feelings and myself.

    I learned it when I said yes to things I wanted to say no to and when I said nothing when I wished to object.

    I learned it when I was looked in the eye and told my feelings and pain don’t matter.

    I learned it when I finally asked myself who was holding me back: the world or my own fears.

    I will no longer cater to the world, protect people from what they don’t want to hear, or play politics in a world that desperately needs humility and authenticity.

    I will learn from my mistakes, as I have in the past.

    As I do so, I will speak.

    Will you speak?

    I want to hear you,

    Rachael Parmelee

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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  • Appreciate yourself

    Appreciate yourself and enjoy being you.
    A quote, I created which embodies embracing your original being.
    I’ve experienced persons ridiculing me for the way I choose to live my life.
    Like what does the clothes I wear or the way I choose to comb my hair have to do with you?
    Just let me be, and that is the way I choose to live;
    to appreciate myself natural self.
    After all, everyone has their likes and dislikes.

    S. Griffith

    Voting starts December 2, 2024 12:00am

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  • Dear World, Our Anger Won't Save Us

    Dear World,

    I see now that my anger which once was my great protector, now is my captor. Here’s my story:

    Anger wraps her roots around me.

    Always looming
    Threatening to pull me down if I don’t feed her.
    Always suffocating

    She pretends she’s my fan, as she picks my pocket.
    If she were a drink, she would be Dark & Stormy.
    If she were a lover, she would be Delilah.
    If she were a plant, she would be a Venus Flytrap.

    She has barricaded herself in the deep recesses of my heart.
    Lying, telling me I am safer with all these locks on the door.
    Reminding me that no one can get in.

    But I can’t get out either.
    Like my computer passwords, the only one I am safe from is myself.

    She’s been here so long; she feels like she has squatter’s rights.
    We are married by common law.

    She reminds me I can’t make it without her.
    She tells me you tried that remember and your heart was broken.
    She says you’re better angry – trust me.
    She feasts on my peace of mind.
    She robs me of my creativity.
    She tells me I need no one besides her.
    She has a stronghold on my mind and my heart.
    She cuts me off from my magic and synchronicity.

    With me, you never have to grieve.
    You can avoid your thoughts & fears.
    I sustain you; I built you, without me your success will fade.

    She burns my house down, with me locked inside.
    It’s time for her to go.
    She cannot be defeated with fire, only love.

    It’s time to let her go. I realize that all the locks on the door to my heart are on the inside. Only I can unlock them, one at a time. Here’s my releasing anger meditation:

    Breathing deeply…
    I unlock each of my anger locks.
    Anger, I love you – I set you free from my mind.
    Anger, I love you – I set you free from my body.
    Anger, I love you – I set you free from my heart.
    Anger, I love you – I set you free from my grounding.
    Anger, I love you – I set you free from my healing and creativity.

    It was she who was afraid, not me.

    Finally, we are free.

    Michelle D. Young

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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