  • cmitmamomono submitted a contest entry to Group logo of How are you changing the world?How are you changing the world? 9 months, 2 weeks ago

    For Our Souls are bigger than the temporary

    Fumbling teaches you a life lesson, two, or six hundred thousand times.
    Sometimes life is a lab puppy who stays a puppy for life tearing up or peeing on your shoes.
    We must laugh sometimes at how we strive to be perfect when we are so far away from that term, far away like clear transparent turquoise water hidden in the northern Idaho mountains.
    The rush of fake Photoshopped gleaming diamonds and wealthy luxurious cars plaster on commercial boards, in magazines of teenagers’ hands at the library their teacher forced them to go to or the YouTube screen our young child has; the constant fake ads popping up on our social media platforms trying to define us, trying to create
    a norm-a trend that is all too repetitive.
    Yet, we heart & blood connect, maintain our identities, hybrid the best, flush out the worst,
    and try to thrive in corners like spiders at night webbing possibility.
    We know in our souls -fake is not real.
    We know this and if we try to grasp or mold ourselves into temporary perfectionism of a lie,
    we know we will vanish into empty holes without a galaxy.
    That is why we/ I still try to feel Mother earth,
    that is why we/I put our phones down,
    that is why we/I smile at each other, be gentle, be forgiving and have grace with what’s to come –
    magical moments as a blue heron flies down before a sunset sky in the pond at the Japanese gardens trying to decide whether his beak can hold a golden koi.
    The magics of moments and decisions of contemplation, honest and true to our survival.
    For our souls are bigger than the temporary,
    so we glean and connect to the vast waters of the earth, we hike into the hills where trees sway and whisper love to our ears, and starbursts shine on our worth.
    We shimmer and know that being authentic and fragile is our only hope to heal from trauma, and
    that it is our only hope that connects us and brings us back to one in the completeness of the earth – the dirt, the sun, the water, the air – it helps us breathe and connect as we should. We/I teach and receive from its abundance and share this with the children whose hands put down screens and run into the forests barefoot
    embracing the glory of future and fulfilling the growth that the skies and lands provide.

    Christina Mitma Momono

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends July 31, 2024 12:00am

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    • Christina, connecting with nature is incredibly important. We so need to put down our phones and connect with the world around us. I am so glad you see this, and are encouraging others to see this as well. You are for sure making the world better. Thank you for sharing. <3 lauren

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