  • cmitmamomono submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about what you are grateful for in your lifeWrite a poem about what you are grateful for in your life 7 months, 3 weeks ago


    a little toddler dabbles her toes in the Oregon coast waters, giggling and running from near her mamas.
    her Portland cousins play near here with Auntie creating castles, jungles and rivers that flow the waves of the ocean waves and ecovillages below – the land, the sand interconnected to the depths of deepness below.
    the sunbursts softly touch the reunion moments that cannot occur all the time.
    small joyful stands cheering for their favorite college teams,
    swag outfits of hopes to hoops of dreams – we all have our shots.
    for the beats that native musicians drum up to bless, to heal and to cheer the crowds to love,
    the therapist who sits in her own softness after healing handing out hope through listening and assisting struggles of pain, finding laughter and humor to balance out the darkness.
    the sunbursts come through the bubbled grey clouds that temporary pop up as life below saunters in shimmers to only be captured in the seconds that exist.
    no tomorrow is promised.
    no big kiss, no big hug, no sounds — so soak in it all.
    soak in the life that leaves us to grow embedded in mother earth- panchamama and inti love – quechuan indigenous circles lift up and offer munay – deep love- where sunshine spreads limitlessly.

    Christina Mitma Momono

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    • Christina, This is a wonderful piece. It really captures the idea of processing, being present and appreciating the little but oh-so-beautiful moments of life. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our family. <3 Lauren

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    • Dear Christina,
      What a beautiful poem. Your words touch my heart. Thank you for sharing!


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