

  • Waves on the Beach

    Rudimentary – sedimentary.
    Rocks stab at my instep
    Harsher than reality
    I hardly felt it’s indent –
    Something there distracted me.

    And so it is in staggered thoughts
    I’ve perceived the imperceptible

    Fleeing from me just so fast I caught it in a blur.
    I see it in the daydreams,
    the ones revolving her.

    We spoke some folly years ago.
    About our favorite place.
    I recall all her expressions,
    But can’t remember face.

    For maybe it was shame
    That kept me from her grace
    Now every time I think of her
    I think of waves and space

    I think aloud and pace.
    I write it on a page.
    Still nothing can return me to
    those 16 years of age

    The source of all my pain
    The moment let escape
    I hadn’t strength to tell her
    Because I thought I’d wait.

    From then, she washed away
    Just as her favorite place.
    The only time I feel at peace
    is when I feel her waves.

    Claudio G Chavez

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    • This is AMAZING. I cannot believe how creative this poem is and how everything fits so smoothly together. Your comparisons of nature and love are so inspiring to me. My favorite line would have to be “I’ve perceived the imperceptible” because there are so many ways this could be interpreted. I am happy that you have found peace in the waves. O…read more

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    • Losing someone you love in any capacity is so hard. But for me, memories always bring me peace. Thank you for sharing. Sending hugs. <3 Lauren

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