  • charthepoet submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new yearWrite a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new year 1 years, 4 months ago


    Someone asked me about my goals for 2023.
    It’s an easy answer, I just want to be a better me.
    Continue improving me.

    Master the art of self-love, as I cut away the baggage that’s been holding me down. In 2023, I want to forgive myself. Now is not the time to focus on nonsense or on things that cause regrets.
    Yes, some decisions were for the worst. My own actions made me hurt. I accept that those decisions had to be made for things to turn out this way, and that’s okay. Because 2022 left no stones unturned. I truly learned. And I’m ready for what’s next. In 2023, I’m stepping into my best.
    In 2023, the plan is to live positively.
    Provide an environment that is healthy, physically, and emotionally.
    For not just me but also for my seed.

    2023 is about my daughter. Developing that bond that can be broken by none. She needs to know that she is the one my world revolves around. Surrounding her with love only a mother can provide.
    2023 is to make her thrive.

    Last but not least, my goal for 2023 is to not let anyone walk all over me.
    Self-betrayal is no longer an option. So, a word of caution…negativity will not be tolerated in 2023 or any year thereafter, so don’t bring it to me.

    2023 is not just for me its for all of us,
    To make it better than it was.

    My goal for 2023 is for us to spread love rampantly.


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    • I love your goals, Charmaine. They are so set and so reachable. I can’t wait to see what else you have in store even with how powerful your bond will be with your daughter. I believe that you will be the best most amazing mom ever. Your goal to spread love is just so sweet and amazing in a world filled with hate we need to show more love towards one another.

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      • Thank you so much…I’m so glad this poem resonates with you. My goal is to use my writing to spread love and create community one person at a time ❤️

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    • 💜 WOW! Such beautiful, and so very real words. You are taking control and you are spreading love through your words. Motherhood is hard, yet rewarding for so many of us. You keep on, keeping on! You are such a beautiful soul and I am so happy to have crossed paths with you on your writing journey.

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    • Charmaine, this is so sweet. Your daughter is so lucky to have you as a mom. Don’t worry about the mistakes you made in the past. Mistakes are how we learn and grow and also they will make you more wise when giving advice to your daughter one day. You sound so strong and like an amazing momma. Keep shining and keep showing your daughter what it looks like to be a strong and powerful woman! Thank you for sharing your story on The Unsealed and being a part of our family. <3 Lauren

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