

  • Dear young self,

    To my younger self,
    Let me begin by telling you that I admire your perception of your life.
    You see your world as normal and happy…I’m so thankful that you can’t see it for the chaotic mess it is in reality. I love that you see in the good in everything and everyone. I wish that I could tell you that you’ll always see the world through rose-tinted eyes.
    Younger me, you don’t realize how much inner strength you have within you. You take care of your little brother and you shield him from the unpleasant things going on around you. You protect him the best you can and I admire you for it.
    You aren’t scared to be yourself, even when it goes against how everyone else acts. You don’t care if people say you’re unique or quirky or even weird. I’m happy to tell you that even when you grow up, that won’t change. You will come to embrace it even more. We were never in fear of not only marching to the beat of our own drum, but creating our own music to dance to the beat.
    Most of all, little me, I love your resilience and your independence. You have and will have to stand on your own a lot in your life, but it makes you who you are and who you will become one day. You have been through a lot of not-so-easy times already in your young life and there are many more difficult times to come, but you will overcome any obstacle you come across in your journey through life.
    Love yourself a little more right now. Cherish moments with the people you love before they’re gone. You’re a good kid with so much potential. Never forget what you are capable of doing in this world. I love you.

    Carrie Ware Johnson

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Carrie, this is so creative and sweet. A child’s perspective on life is so fascinating because they think they have all the time in the world. I wish I could go back and tell my 6-year-old self to play outside more, to make more friends, and to enjoy the little responsibility she had! Sadly, we can’t do this, but we can give ourselves a bit of…read more

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