  • ashley submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your teenage selfWrite a letter to your teenage self 1 years ago

    Ashley's Lullaby

    Hush teenage Ashley please don’t cry if only you knew what your future looked like. I understand you feel lonely and unloved too but trust and believe that God has big plans for you. The emotional trials and tribulations that has constantly let you down is a required prerequisite to prove you are worthy for the crown. Sleepless nights and uncontrolled tears were the evidence of your frustration when no one was near. Later you will find out you were never alone, and God heard your secret prayers when you thought no one was home. To whom much is given certainly much is required so accept your circumstances as a badge of honor. The pain that you endure is meant to push you to your purpose and the anointing that’s on your life is strong enough to make hell nervous. So, in spite of the opposition that you have to face the blessings that lies ahead is your game winning check mate. So trust the process and no longer ask WHY YOU but ask WHO ARE YOU that your childhood had to be misty blue.

    Ashley Dowd

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    • Ashley, I truly believe the difficult things we go through in the moment can feel overwhelming, but in the end that leads us to who we are meant to be and what we are meant to do. You are so strong and resilient. Never change. I admire you. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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