  • Anita Jordan shared a letter in the Group logo of Surviving AddictionSurviving Addiction group 3 weeks, 2 days ago

    Surviving Addiction

    I had an addiction for 23 years, I have been clean for over 30 yrs minus my slips and falls that through me into the ring of addiction, because I let my guard down thinking that I was stronger than it, when actually the addiction was stronger than me. But such as life try and try again. I am clean and have been for many years. I allowed myself to lured back but the last time was the last time. I asked myself some questions and the most important was do you want to live or die, do I want to live a full life filled with endless possibilities or die not reaching my full potential. I choose life . I became to love self, and wouldn’t accept any old thing , I have been hopeless and helpless and I have done things that only me and God know about. I have come full circle I know my value . I graduated from college and wrote a book. I hope to be a recovery coach, where I help those who are still trapped be free and stare in the face of addiction and say I won and I am stronger than you. Now in my life there is so many things I want to do all for the glory of God not for fame or fortune all though these things have there place, that is not my motivation. I survived so that I may be a help to others.

    Anita Jordan

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    • I am so glad you chose life. Addiction is not an easy thing to battle. I congratulate you for fighting it and coming out on top. With each day that comes, keep making the most of it. Congratulations again. Thank you for sharing your story, and thank you for being part of The Unsealed. <3 Lauren

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