  • AnaStasia Eliza Grieff shared a letter in the Group logo of Introductions, Icebreakers and PromptsIntroductions, Icebreakers and Prompts group 6 months, 2 weeks ago

    Everyone is a author

    I’m still new to this community and I do write quite frequently but in my personal journal so to start building a “portfolio” I’m going to start posting some of my old writings I have in my journal from over the years starting with this one

    I’ve always said life is a book and your the author writing your own story
    Which is very very true so with that being said there usually comes a time where we as the author must sit back and take a break from writing and read the masterpiece we’ve written.
    We read it from start to finish while we do this it’s important to pay close attention to that first chapter and take notes of who your character was at the beginning and than compare that version of your character to who they turned into as the story comes up to the current chapter
    Did your character progress positively
    Did they learn anything
    Are you happy with the progression of your story
    And if your not than I suppose taking the time to sit back and read and analyze the “Big picture” of your life was beneficial because of how re reading your own story possibly opened your own eyes to your imperfections and flaws
    Because even in your own story where your the main character we aren’t always paving the perfect path for ourselves
    So remember every once in while
    Take a break and read your own story

    Anastasia Eliza Grieff

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    • Anastasia, I couldn’t agree with you more! We are all writing our own stories, and it’s so important to take them time to reflect and recognize all of what we achieved and persevered from… Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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