  • algonzalez submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about what you are grateful for in your lifeWrite a poem about what you are grateful for in your life 5 months, 1 weeks ago

    Grateful for Motherhood

    Dear Motherhood,

    You were a journey I yearned to embark on for many of my childhood years. A journey I knew I had to have however, knew nothing about. Today, I have been a mother for 15 years, nearly half my life. Your are everything I dreamed of and nothing I could have ever imagined. I cry uncontrollably, I have to re-parent myself, I’ve seen so many different versions of me within you.
    I’m grateful for you the most out all of my life experiences. I’ve had some of my highest highs and my lowest lows within you. You have pushed me to grow and heal. The healing journey I have experienced was because of you. You taught me that I do not have to be what the world said I am. You’ve given me so many gifts. I’ve watched myself and my children grow into beautiful human beings.
    I’ve learned kindness from you. I’ve learned how to love me. I’ve learned to treasure the moments while being excited for the future. You’ve taught the control freak within me that she can not control anything but herself. I can not express the magnitude of gratefulness I carry within me for you. Every minute that passes I look forward to the next.
    I am excited to see what the future of motherhood hold and I’m ready for everything it has to throw at me; the good, the bad, the ugly and the pretty. So I say to you, Motherhood, thank you for everything you have and continue to gift me and all the wisdom you will embark on me.

    Forever a Mother of Motherhood,
    Antoinette Gonzalez

    Antoinette Gonzalez

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    • Antoinette!! This is beautiful. I am literally tearing up. Motherhood is such an amazing gift. And it’s clearly brought out the best in you, and it shows in the wonderful people your children have become. I love how you can recognize how fortunate you are and how you see all the beauty that comes with being a mom. This is a special piece. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being such a special part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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