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  • Motion in the Ocean--the sound of serenity

    Crash! Shh!
    These are the sounds of my saving grace,
    the thing, the moment, the space
    that is my bliss, my serenity, my peace,
    where evermore, life’s darkness can cease.
    My feet hit the sand
    as I arrive at the place
    where water meets land,
    and the sun warms my face.
    My mind starts to focus
    on the tide, on the waves.
    Abracadabra, hocus pocus–
    like magic, all my stress fades.
    Down goes my bag, my board,
    as I prepare to dive in… to
    a world where from strife I’m unmoored;
    a world that is salty…and blue.
    Quiet goes my inner voice,
    and all I can hear, the only sound–
    by nature, not even by choice
    is what’s buzzing about in my paradise found.
    For practice, I leap off the ground… and yes, perfect stance!
    Legs planted well, right in the middle.
    That means it’s time to get in, time to dance,
    so I take to the surf, at least for a little.
    I am calm, I am zen,
    as I paddle out past the break.
    Such stillness in the chaos of figuring when
    to get ready, and which wave to take.
    I wait, I scan, then I choose my mark.
    I go, I go, I get up…and I ride!
    And with that comes the fiercest spark
    that pulls open my heart, pulls my smile so wide.
    In such a moment, I don’t give a darn about money or things,
    No, here work and love do not worry me.
    ‘Cause here is most where my soul freely sings.
    Yes, everything’s dandy when… I’m surfing the sea.

    amanda ostuni

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    • Amanda! I loved this! I felt like I was surfing with you..I love the line ” pulls open my heart and pulls my smile so wide,” I can see “everything’s dandy when I’m surfing the sea”

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    • This is SO good!!! I love your onomatopoeias such as “crash” and “shh” because they really bring the poem to life and make a reader feel as if they are on a serene beach. I am so happy that you have found a place and activity that you find relaxing. I have never surfed, but this makes me want to try it out!! Great work!

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    • Amanda, this piece is amazing. It is so creative and really paints both the experience of being at the beach and diving into the water and how it impacts your soul. This is so well done. Thank you for sharing and for being part of The Unsealed family. <3Lauren

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