  • aquarianmelo submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your ideal selfWrite a letter to your ideal self 7 months, 3 weeks ago

    You're One of the Chosen Ones


    From a young age, you were gifted and special and you didn’t even know it. At age 13, you wrote your first poem. While it was writing that rhymed, the one thing you didn’t know was that it was going to take you to places you never thought.

    You spent your life loving sports, having a passion for it like no other. From basketball to football and baseball, watching and going to games from your younger years all the way until now. You went to college and majored in mass media communications which is television production and media. Your big goal was to be on television, the big names like ESPN, CBS or FOX.

    You graduated college and went on to work for the National Basketball Association along with Major League Baseball Advanced Media. By the time you got into those companies, the landscape of the sports industry had significantly changed.

    On September 11, 2001, you watched the twin towers fall from your college dorm room with your roommate in horror. At the age of 18, your freshman year of college, you had no idea the falling of those two buildings would change the corporate world until this very day as you’re typing this letter.

    The next phase of your life would take you into sales at the NBA Store and then moving onto the Converse store while being a basketball referee for an adult sports league for over seven years. The goal was to make it somewhere in sports as the dream of making it in television was starting to fade.

    The YouTube sports channel you had, you left alone after your laptop crashed and you knew it was time for a restart. Your love for sports was still there and if you can just get yourself into a sports company on the corporate side, that would personify that you made it. It would be the pinnacle of your success in life.
    After leaving the sales space, you would venture into the corporate office of the adult sports league you referee basketball for and split time between their office and running up and down a basketball court four days a week. The money was good but you had no full-time status, no health benefits and you were basically a wrong injury from having huge medical bills.

    When you weren’t hired full-time after giving your all to the company for seven years, it was time to figure out what was next in your life. Sometimes we never know what will happen in our lives but writing was what I was supposed to be doing all along.

    GOD told me, “I let you have your fun in sports, it’s time to do what I need you to and write books.” The message was clear and I started my journey of writing books while stepping back into the medical field as a full-time job.

    Social issues were always something you were immersed in, concerned about and as I watched the world crumble in front of me from racial issues to domestic violence and a myriad of other things, there was a need to write stories. Stories that would impact others and start conversations not just between family and friends but strangers too.

    It was a road less traveled, writers and authors have a thankless job in telling stories, some make it big, some do well and some fade off into the sunset when things get tough. But the ideas were coming non-stop for content to write.

    You would start your writing journey writing about men’s social issues, then shift into police brutality and corruption. Along the way, you’d read articles on writing book series and standalone books and then the light bulb would go off.

    You first book, “The Struggles and Growth of a Man” would turn into a five book series, along with “Code Blue” and “The World We Live In,” before you would pivot to writing standalone books such as “America Under Mind Control,” “America, A Country Divided,” and many others.

    As the years would progress, you would shift into the podcast space? Who would’ve thought that your voice can motivate and inspire others, you would have a voice to share your experiences as an author and sharing thoughts that are on your mind.

    You’re three years in and over 300 podcasts published to the world. You’ve built two websites, one for your books and one for your podcast which is something that not many have done. Along with that, you’ve published 52 books in nearly 8 years and are almost at your goal and contract with GOD to publish 60 books.

    Let’s not forget you stepped out of your comfort zone and moved across the country from New York to Phoenix, on your own, everything paid for and taken care of by you. You’ve accomplished so much in your life and it becomes surreal after a while.

    You were one of the first in your generation in your family to go to college and graduate on time. You were one of few who moved across the country, published a book, have two websites running efficiently and have impacted and changed so many people’s lives.

    You’re only 40 years old, you’re just beginning your journey and you have a long way to go. You’re not satisfied, but you’re fulfilled in what you’re doing. You work tirelessly to get your books noticed and while that takes a lot of time, patience, energy and effort, you have the D’s in place.

    You have a dream, drive, determination, dedication and discipline, words that you instilled in yourself early on. Your mother always told you to work your butt off and the results will show for itself. She’s worked for one company for 34 years and counting, it’s a rarity in today’s world of people moving from one company to the next.

    She’s your main supporter and guiding light in all of this. She’s the one you share all of your crazy ideas with and after a while, she can’t keep up with all that you’re doing. You have grace for her as the ideas continually keep coming and there was a moment where she looked at your 12 book series in “Alphabet City” and was astonished at what you’ve written.

    Mom would sit in the kitchen island area on a stool and read the synopsis of the 12 book series and look at me thinking, “this is my kid writing this stuff?” A few years back, a coworker of hers who’s very spiritually in tune with people told my mom, “Jamell is going to do big things and impact a lot of people in the world.” That’s probably the moment it set in for my mom.

    Jamell, your journey took you down a road less traveled and one you surely didn’t expect. Your love/hate relationship with writing poetry has turned into 52 prose books on social issues that when it reaches the hands it’s supposed to, it’s going to change the landscape of the world.

    You always knew you were destined for something big in life. That you wouldn’t be confined to a desk job for 40+ years of your life. You would learn that you’re an empath, an old soul from a past lifetime that most wouldn’t know even existed.

    When you can vibe out alone, conserve your energy and listen to different genres of music, you’re just cut from a different cloth. You’ve learned alot about yourself, made a few bad investments into your book promotion journey but you live and you learn.

    All I can say is to keep going, keep pushing and striving for greatness. Don’t let anyone or anything stop you from achieving all that you want in life. Don’t lose your life and continue to have the 6 G’s, GOD, Goals, Growth, Grind, Greatness, and Gratitude.

    Continue to have the passion, love and zest for life. Your time is coming, continue to love the journey when you started at age 32. Always remember, you’re one of the chosen ones to impact people and the world. Be good to yourself and the results will soon show…

    Jamell Crouthers

    Jamell Crouthers

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    • Aww Jamell! You are right. You are one of the chosen ones. What you have achieved is amazing, and you are and have already changed the world for the better. You inspire me, and on top of all your achievements, I love how kind you truly are. You are a wonderful human, and I can’t wait to see how your life continues to unfold. Thank you for sharing this piece, and thank you for being part of The Unsealed. Happy Holidays. <3 Lauren

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      • Lauren! You’re awesome and so kind with your words. Thank you for all that you do on the Unsealed, I’m able to share my story because of the platform you’ve created. Happy Holidays and wishing you a great 2024! You’re surely destined for great things in this life!

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