  • kellybeanz87 shared a letter in the Group logo of ParentingParenting group 3 days, 11 hours ago

    Joey's Poem

    If you had any shred of decency left in you
    You’d stay away from my boo
    To that little boy
    I’m the only one that’s true
    If I could flip it all back
    Spin it all around and let you see
    Literally the little me…..
    Nurturing, loving, carrying him through
    When not everyone else was always onboard too
    I’m the only thing and woman he’s ever really known

    Now he’s sitting here looking at me full grown
    What you tried to protect your whole life, sits there looking at you like you’ve just ripped out a knife
    What I tried to avoid his whole little life
    Will he ever understand that all mommy every wanted was to make a good man?
    Can’t he please just understand?
    This precious seed turns around and now questions me, how dare he?
    I can’t explain it all, I don’t know how I could
    If I could lay it all out right here, right now trust me I would
    Let it all go for good
    Let you see all my choices weren’t always the smartest
    But always out of love and always for good

    I guess protection is a strange thing
    You want to take them under your wing
    You don’t realize how much you cling
    Well, here we are young man, here I stand
    This is all of me, still standing, still fighting
    Always will
    At least I will try
    I hope one day you understand

    Love Always,
    Your “Teen” Mom

    Kelly M.B

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