  • Matthew Jablonsky shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 6 days, 19 hours ago

    A Prayer For Bradley

    Do you think that it’s possible
    for someone to be so good,
    that God calls them home
    before you think He should?

    We say it all the time,
    “God must have needed him.”
    but a lot of those times,
    they didn’t even believe in Him.

    There’s no other reason
    that you would call Brad home,
    and his beautiful fiancé
    would be left all alone.

    Now our whole family
    is questioning your plan.
    Why, God, why
    would you take this young man?

    You’ve broken the heart
    of a father and a mother.
    And let’s not even mention
    what you did to his little brother.

    The ripples flow further,
    they hit my wife too.
    Her mother is his aunt
    now SHE is mad at you.

    Granny holds it together,
    sewing like a thread.
    Even though she’s strong,
    she wishes it were her instead.

    This is so unfair,
    and all a bit unusual.
    But what do you expect,
    when a wedding becomes a funeral?

    We see you moving.
    Guiding us through.
    In all of this darkness,
    we’re all seeking you.

    So God, move in,
    wrap your arms around this family.
    You say you’ll work this for good,
    even though it’s a tragedy.

    Although we’re all grieving,
    one thing is for sure.
    It is only by your grace,
    that we shall endure.

    I know Bradley is with you
    up there in Heaven.
    And I know that he sees
    all the love that’s been given.

    Please give him a hug
    from all of us here.
    Tell him we miss him,
    and we’ll hold him so dear.

    Thank you for what we still have,
    and remind us each day
    that this life is a gift,
    so live it the Bradley way!


    RIP Bradley Davis. Forever 23.

    Matthew Jablonsky

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    • Matthew, your poem is a beautiful tribute to Bradley. He is a stranger to me, but I am certain that he was an amazing man to be so loved by his friends and family. You are so right that when terrible things happen to us, the only way to endure is through God’s grace. Thank you for sharing your poetry.

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    • This brought tears to my eyes. I lost my older brother Jesse when he was only 38 yrs old, and I have certainly asked myself some of these same questions & I was able to feel all the pain, anger & grief in your poem. RIP & sending hugs & prayers to you and your family. Amazing truthful writing

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