  • kellybeanz87 shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 weeks ago

    The Butterfly

    Sink your eye into my beautiful butterfly
    Twirling around my purple bush, I spotted it
    The prettiest one ever. I knew I had to have it
    I paused, and gazed. I caught an up-close glimpse of its unique coloring. Blue and purple.
    Didn’t think that was possible, but there it was- right in my face. It had the largest wings I’d ever seen on such a small creature. It fluttered around so gracefully, getting love drunk off the nectar. Bobbing around, minding its business and helping my garden.
    Drifted off and started to wonder, are all the things that they say about butterflies true? Can this thing see me, sense me? It must. Look how delicate and beautiful it is. It trusts me to sit still and gaze at it.
    Kept thinking about the transformation from birth till now, the little head with actual eyes, floaty looking wings and vibrant enchanting blue and purple eyespots like an encryption code to the butterfly heavens.
    Fetching a small net, a jar or even a photo will do. I must share this with this world
    Ran off to not miss my chance, came running back full speed, with excitement still in my heart- but it had already flown away.
    ~Inspired by Mindfulness Meditation

    Kelly M.B

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    • I’ve always heard that butterflies are sent from Heaven, and the way you describe this one’s beauty makes me believe it. It is almost heartbreaking that something so lovely can also be so fragile. I guess that is why they fly away before we can catch them. Thank you for sharing this sweet poem.

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