  • Tiffany Williams shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 2 weeks, 5 days ago


    The priority here is returning to original form

    Envisioning myself as the sky and not the storm

    Using every struggle and victory to transform

    Loving me for real now tender and warm

    I’m finally at a place where I’m trusting the decisions I make

    Even when that process includes mistakes,

    it’s just an indicator to pump the brakes

    Because I can’t describe the gratitude I feel now that I’m fully awake.

    I spill love into the earth

    I lead people to amplifying their worth.

    Letting my ego die to experience rebirth

    The work isn’t easy when there’s so many limiting beliefs

    Living in therapy learning to cope and find relief

    Understanding how some of my trauma was commingled with grief.

    Releasing all the ways I’ve criticized and judged my actions

    Eliminating negativity, procrastination and distraction

    Abiding in my highest vibration to invite the law of attraction.

    My hearts desire is to build unbreakable connection

    To stop hiding in an attempt to avoid rejection

    To truly terminate striving for perfection.

    To be able articulate solutions that amplify more truth

    To make peace with everything I experienced in my youth

    To shine my light and stop believing I’m broken

    To end shrinking myself leaving words unspoken

    I’m ready now, my heart’s on paper, I’m open.

    Tiffany Narvise

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    • I love these lines
      I’m finally at a place where I’m trusting the decisions I make

      Even when that process includes mistakes,

      it’s just an indicator to pump the brakes

      I think it’s really powerful that even though you have mistakes it’s still part of the process of living and you can choose to embrace them to move on and everything happens for a reason and you will know why someday

      Write me back 

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