  • what is life

    what is life? life that’s heavily filled with mistakes and blessings but most of all intelligible lessons

    you choose a certain route that you believe is the right way to go but deep, intensely down inside you know there’s a dead zone

    approaching really and mighty slow you still take your time to believe to do what’s right but what’s right when two wrongs can’t make a right, up there look! at the left light you finally realized there was a yellow light all of this time but you still decided to speed on up right?

    through and bright like the red light see this is why we have to accept things we cannot change the stop sign is only there for it’s own specific gain

    which is for you to abide by and not potentially meant to be changed but change we expect to always fluctuate but are you ready?

    to build up and mouton because you expect for things to always go your way but when human beings aren’t meant for you trust me you won’t have to over think double checking if you’re actually coherent in your own brain

    the brain that allows for you to grow and change within all the impossible says and impossible many ways

    another thing this isn’t a Marco Polo game stop choosing what chooses you listen don’t get offended

    I’m talking about the venomous snake that’s in the grass that you live in, that you walked in with your own two feet without looking down to find yourself nothing to see

    see the tricks that many sour candies can cause that you eat which is always sour than sweet but this life is created for everyone including you and me

    but i can only talk not preach
    this is your lesson, your mistakes, your testimony, your personal journey made just for you to experience and even see

    Tionna Hilliard

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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