  • Tracie Sperling shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 2 weeks, 5 days ago

    It Is All I Ever Wanted

    Kindness can go a long way when it comes from someone’s heart. It’s the small, everyday gestures that count. The simple things such as reminding stranger to turn off their headlights so their battery would not drain. Doesn’t matter what you say or what you do. Looking out for others when you least expect it. You don’t know what you need until you know it.
    Life is what you make it. Either easy peasy lemon squeezy or stresssy depressy lemon zesty. So you keep on trying to find the answer to make it through the day because when you wake up in the morning it’s another day and you start anew. It’s the helping hand of kindness that lifts you up when you need it. Now, you are shaking from the innocent hands of satisfaction. The cure and the answer to happiness. When you are grateful for someone in your life, who is your enhancement. After all that’s said you done, it would suck if no one came to your rescue when those tears rush down your face turn to grey shadow.

    Without any hope of redemption, I will be waiting to be found. For what you didn’t give the dearest one will come around out of kindness. So, that way you are not in the dumps with people tearing up your funds. All I know is money don’t buy you diamonds just to be a sponge little dummy.You wont get out of-side as long as you get up in this trap. Because of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
    And at the same time you gotta be praying for the pain to go away. Anything you want in life will be worth it. You gotta be patient because there is a better way. Show kindness don’t hurt people that you love because they want to be in your set. Don’t lie and cheat instead gain their trust. Be thankful for who you have for your rock of support. This gift is all I ever wanted.
    And it’s a lot to be grateful for I know that life is so hard. So keep your head up and keep your head up and have faith that things will work out.

    Tracie Sperling

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