  • Matthew Jablonsky shared a letter in the Group logo of Remembering those we lost/GriefRemembering those we lost/Grief group 1 months ago

    Overdose Death

    I know you didn’t mean to,

    I know you didn’t try.

    It was just a stupid mistake,

    You didn’t want to die…

    You were doing so good,

    We were so proud of you!

    But good emotions, sometimes,

    They’re overwhelming too.

    Maybe I should’ve called,

    Or answered that last text.

    But I didn’t see this coming!

    I didn’t know you were next!

    I know it’s kinda late now,

    And maybe weird to say…

    But I love you so much,

    And I’ll miss you every day.

    This is so unfair,

    No one knows how to feel.

    I keep waiting to wake up,

    Or hear that this isn’t real!

    What do I tell the people,

    When they ask me how you’ve been?

    I suppose, I’ll tell the truth…

    That addiction never ends.

    I’ll tell them if they’re hurting,

    They call always call on me.

    I couldn’t be there for you…

    But for them, maybe I could be.

    Maybe I can help someone,

    Maybe they will learn,

    That drugs aren’t “the fun you can’t have”…

    They’re the hell you don’t deserve.

    Matty Jablonsky

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    • Matty, I am so sorry for your loss. It was never your fault. Don’t feel guilty for what you could have done. Think of all the good times you two had together and the relationship you made with each other! That’s all that really matters. And I love your perspective that now that you have seen it happen once you may be able to prevent it if someone else falls down a similar path! Great work!

      Write me back 

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