  • Marli Wright shared a letter in the Group logo of Health, Wellness and Chronic ConditionsHealth, Wellness and Chronic Conditions group 1 months ago


    Title: Anxiety
    Written by: Marli Wright

    Anxiety seems like a joke;
    But unless you experience it, you never truly know.
    It hurts, captures, consumes your soul, and you never know when it will start to show.
    Sure, I look fine. My appearance isn’t affected. Maybe just some bags under my eyes, nothing makeup can’t cover.
    You don’t understand the pit in my stomach, the lump in my throat, the shaking within my body.
    Anxiety… invisible to you, but I feel it. Every time a child cries out for their mommy, a piece of my soul withers. You can’t see the hurt behind my eyes, the relentless voices in my head I can’t shake.
    Yet you call me strong? Strong for hiding how I really feel? I want to scream, “Why can’t I have my baby!?”
    Instead, there’s a faint smile, a nod of my head, and you think I’m okay.
    You don’t see the walls closing in. You don’t feel the pressure of your expectations and disapproving glances. I see the disappointment in your eyes, pulling me down faster than any sinking stone. I’m drowning in sorrow, with no lifeboat in sight.
    Anxiety – once mocked as fake, now I can’t unsee your ugly face. Normalcy feels like a distant dream I once lived. But you think I’m fine again. I’m not fine! Can’t you see? Oh, it’s because I’m a good actor, playing the “helpless” warrior, Act 3: page 10.

    Marli Wright

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    • I am so sorry. I struggle with anxiety, too. And I am so sorry about the loss of your baby. Be kind and graceful to yourself. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you. He would be 7 this June, times have gotten easier. I just have gotten better at putting my work out there now.

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    • I am so sorry what for you had to go through. I also have anxiety and you are absolutely right, some people would never guess that you are struggling. The feeling can be so intense sometimes that it makes if difficult to focus and be present. Just remember that you are so strong and can persevere through anything! You inspire me to not be ashamed of my anxiety or try to hide it from others! There is nothing to be embarrassed about; it is perfectly normal! Thank YOU for helping me! ❤️

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