  • maintain4life shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 months, 1 weeks ago


    Dear Unsealers,
    Time- can have a frame
    Within it, many things can be contained
    Time- can never be restrained
    It runs within seconds of its domain
    Every minute is within it
    It stops or its infinite
    There are clocks of all kinds
    Catch up or get left behind
    But beware of father time
    Some things remain some things never last
    But what do you think about these little grains of sand
    Flowing In the hourglass
    Time- will be a part of your future, present, and past
    You can have so little
    You can have too much
    I have never seen time on my hands
    Because it is something I can’t touch
    Time- can have an effect In many different ways
    24 hours In a day
    It can be a part of your healing, grief, or pain
    Should I go or should I stay
    There’s a Time for everything
    But never a wrong time to pray
    Over Time there’s nurturing and growth
    Destruction or decay
    Sun up or sundown
    The only thing that matters
    Is that the world keeps turning to circle back around
    This makes It worth my while
    Another way to tell Time is by looking at a sundial
    Time can be used wisely or wasted
    Once it’s gone you can never replace It
    Maybe Time doesn’t even exist
    And life just is what it is
    Now this got me thinking
    That the present is the gift
    This thing ticks and it toks
    It’s a tower or a wristwatch
    Time-is needed to evolve
    The cicada to do its mating call
    Someone else’s Time is not parallel to mine
    But we make connections
    To see who’s on the other line
    One thing is for certain either you do
    Or you don’t have the Time
    Better late than never
    Watch the moon and stars appear
    Time- is of the essence in our atmosphere
    This could be your last ticket
    Or your last shot
    Either way sometimes
    Time- is all we got.

    James Morsching

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    • James this is soooo good. I have thought a lot about time and how it changes us – some ways good and some ways not as good. But at the end of the day, I think, as you wrote, we just have to be grateful for the moment. Thank you for this wise and thought ful piece. <3 Lauren

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    • James this is such a creative piece! Time is so valuable. We all need to be grateful for the time we get to spend with others, the time we get to spend having fun, and just in general the time we have! Life is a privilege and we should never take it for granted. Love this!!

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