  • Melinda Stone shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 months, 2 weeks ago

    The Light ✨

    ~The Light ✨

    Every so often,
    I fall into a hole
    It’s dark and lovely
    A haunting under control

    It’s peaceful
    And it’s quiet
    But I easily get lost
    When I’m too weak to fight it

    Because sometimes I can’t see
    Just feeling my way through
    While at other times, my hope
    Flashes the way back to you

    I go searching, hoping to find
    What wants to remain hidden
    Sometimes I catch a glimpse
    And wish to be forgiven

    Often I sit and wonder
    With the darkness closing in
    How do I embrace what I can’t see?
    And where do I even begin?

    I guess that I’m doing it
    Bleeding out pain for you to see
    But the words that are forming,
    Are the driving force guiding me

    And even when I can’t find the light
    Your presence, a silent knowing
    You sit with me in the dark
    Until the light in me is showing.

    ©️ Melinda Stone ✍🏼🖤🪽 #TheLight

    Melinda Stone

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    • Melinda, this is beautiful, and I think it really captures how a lot of writers and poets feel. It’s like the words channel our emotions and hold us till we find the light or maybe even guide us towards the light. Thank you for sharing! <3 Lauren

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    • Melinda, what a beautifully written poem. Your words are so relatable for me! It can be hard to fight off the negativity and sadness in our lives! I am glad you shared this to make me and so many others feel not alone in this journey.

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