  • maintain4life shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 months, 2 weeks ago

    Inside Job

    Dear Unsealers,
    My rhymes are about addiction
    and how it inflicted pain and infliction
    now I can no longer tell the difference
    between fact or fiction
    a whole world of indifference
    I just lost interest
    couldn’t be sufficient
    But I can go out and get high
    and die in a instant
    or nothing to show
    I lost my glow i had as a infant
    for instance a stronger inner self
    Is what I’m missing
    steady building better intuition
    My daughter needs daddy to be more sufficient
    I can hold more significance
    you seen me up close
    and you seen me from a distance
    you can do the most
    and have a toast to my existence .

    James Morsching

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