  • Brittney Bailey shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 months, 3 weeks ago

    "Perfect Day?"

    What is a “perfect day?” I sit and find myself wondering.
    In all honesty, I have to think about it.
    My life has been filled with more “bad days” than “good.”
    It’s okay though, I’m used to questioning.
    That’s my superpower. Always questioning everything. Double and triple checking my answers to ensure they are correct.
    Today is just another question that finds itself stagnant waiting for an answer.
    It’s something I’m used to.
    Nothing that’s new.
    I find myself breaking down with tears as I question “has any day been truly “good” let alone “perfect.”
    No…I guess not.
    That’s okay though, my life isn’t over.
    I still have time to find the answer.
    Although, it may seem like I’m full of despair. That part is actually over.
    So, I might find that “perfect” answer, but for now I’m left with blankness surrounding all of my questions.
    Which is okay I guess.
    It takes time to recover from survival mode and move onto being just a survivor.
    However, if I had to answer the question point blank, I would probably say a “perfect day” to me would be if I had the ability to fully rest and restore my body.
    Maybe watch the sunrise and drink some coffee, while I reminisce on all the things life should’ve been.
    Not to change anything that happened, because what’s done, is done.
    The past is nothing to be tampered with.
    The past is nothing to focus on.
    The future is where I’ll find my peace, and hopefully my inner child will be pleased, by all of our progress and needs finally being met.

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    • “The future is where I will find my peace.” What a powerful line. I am so sorry you have had so many difficult days. But I hope that going forward you watch lots of sunsets and restore your mental health. Each day, focus on you and whatever makes you feel good, and over time, I think your inner child will get and find the happiness and peace they have been looking for. sending lots and lots of hugs. Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren P.S. Will post in The Unsealed's insta story today.

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