  • S.K shared a letter in the Group logo of Health, Wellness and Chronic ConditionsHealth, Wellness and Chronic Conditions group 1 months, 2 weeks ago

    Our brains hold the key to set us free

    The human brain is unique in that it has the ability to process and appreciate what is and what isn’t. Both tasks capable of being done efficiently and meticulously. It’s what we ask of it.

    Escapism is an exercise that always existed and is ever so evolving.

    Right from a baby engaging in role play with dolls or a teen skimming through the pages of a fairy tale/ fantasy book upto the adult lost in the alternate verse of social media, humans are innately equipped to use this very powerful mechanism to get to where they want to be and away from where they think they don’t need to be.

    Television , internet, travel, books or even
    yogic meditation are just tools we utilize to temporarily mute all that is mundane in our lives, as and when we please.
    There is no shame in.
    This coping and calming exercise can be healthy and benefitting. It can bring calm , joy, relieve stress and improve mental well being in general.. Letting those imaginations loose can also be supremely motivating. There is no greater motivator than a picturing a better version of oneself. The benefits of this exercise begin to fade only when escapism leads to delusion. Losing one self for long in what is not may lead to procastination, setting of unrealistic goals and establishment of a false sense of acheivement.
    Overall , I beleive life in that middle earth is beautiful.
    After all isn’t that what the age old practise of mindful meditation propagated to acheive? Immersing and assimilating oneself in a non-existent and intangible setting?
    Personally i love my temporary stints in Lalaland. Books and music get me there fairly quick . In fact I think I am my best version in that space. Staying a little outta sync with reality helps me rediscover and recover. It’s cheap therapy to me.
    Helps me get to a place of no judgements , no rules , no commitments , no obligations and certainly no boundaries while allowing me to be vulnerable and naive.
    It’s that solo must do gig that needs no buddy.

    For life is always going to be waiting for you once you get back..In all its unrealistic glory.


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