  • Sarel Hines shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 months, 2 weeks ago

    Silent Pleas

    Behind the mask, no face to find,
    A trick of mind, ‘neath sun that’s kind,
    Yet rain pours down within the soul,
    Where hidden truths take their toll.

    “Get up, get on, you’ll be alright,”
    The lies they tell ease the plight.
    A crown once worn, now tipped and slanted.
    Society’s stigma, harsh and untrue.

    “Go out, be free,” they say, unaware,
    That solitude’s chosen over despair.
    In sorrow’s depth, alone you wallow,
    While unseen, in code, for help you call.

    Attention sought? Not even a hand to hold,
    A listening ear, as your story’s told.
    Over and over, being told “You’ll be okay,”
    But will they listen, or just turn away?

    Until the end, when all is read,
    And in the paper, your name is led.
    Will they see then, what they missed before,
    Or just a picture, nothing more?

    S.B. Hines

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    • This is so well-written and powerful. I am sorry you have felt both unheard and dismissed. Your feelings are valid. If you are ever feeling sad, check out our resources page, theunsealed.com/resources. There are free resources for help. Sending hugs. <3 Lauren

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