  • Child's Smile

    My innocent smile of childhood
    Is what I miss most from long gone
    Days where naivety, fun fumbles, were good
    For a laugh with family, friends, undone

    By the simplicity of the life of a child
    As you went about cheerfully hopping
    From one daydream to another, a hidden bard, flipping,
    Hiding in plain sight, forgiven for being a child.

    Never let your smile drift into the sky,
    Let it balance your mood, don’t brood.
    As you smile, cheer will surround
    Your every move as you inspire joy that’ll fly,

    Flinging your dreams into reality
    As your positivity you embraced,
    Will endow you with being graced
    By happiness, a comforting embrace.

    ©️Malak Kalmoni Chehab ©️

    Malak Kalmoni Chehab

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Malak, this is so cute! Your positivity as both a child and an adult shines so brightly! You are so strong and genuine and I am glad that you never lost that. Even though sometimes, there were some challenges you had to face, your resilience was clear and it did not go unnoticed. Your bravery is admirable and I am so proud of you for working through the difficulties you faced as a child. Amazing work! ♥

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