  • Amanda Henderson shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 months, 3 weeks ago

    Breaking me

    Your breaking me can’t you see I don’t know why you just won’t leave me alone and let me be why you keep trying to tear me apart don’t you think you already did enough can’t you see that you already did a number don’t you get it you already broke me you fuckin destroyed me there’s not really much more you can do to me I’m all above and so much more you even took me from me cause I didn’t even know myself anymore but that’s when I should of walked out the door but not much longer I just don’t care anymore my mind and gut was telling me I had to go it was going to get really bad I had enough and was about to snap so I ended us and walked out that door cause I know I’m so much better than u made me feel u took everything away from me even my pride I’m so lucky I got my dignity back it took everything I had to find it again cause you absolutely broke me until no end I had to get away from you to find myself again cause you did everything to destroy me and take my happiness away from me I’m finally free and there is no more breaking me

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