  • Kaylee Field shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 months, 3 weeks ago

    Body Dysmorphia

    I wonder what it must be like
    to have a normal self-image.
    To not be swallowed up by body dysmorphia,
    Stealing away every opportunity that comes.

    I wonder what it must be like
    to show up just as you are,
    Instead of avoiding and hiding away,
    So not to be seen the way that you are.

    What a relief it would be
    To look in the mirror and not see an enemy.
    To not want to throw up at the sight,
    Of the body that serves me every day

    To not want to shatter the mirror into pieces,
    As if it makes me go away.
    To glance at my reflection in a window,
    And not startle at the monster staring back.

    I wonder what it would be like
    To not pick myself apart,
    And chip away any self-esteem left,
    Just to convince myself of how bad I am.

    What a relief it would be,
    To have it be the last thing I’m worried about.
    To feel good enough to chase a dream,
    Even just good enough to participate.

    To allow myself to feel excited,
    Without the side conversations in my head.
    The intrusive thoughts that shatter me
    And suffering caused by distortion.

    What it must be like
    To wake up in the morning and not worry
    About what new perceived image
    You will have in the reflection this time.

    To not be obsessed and compulsive.
    To not base my activities around
    How I feel about myself
    To not be restricted.

    I wonder what life I’d have
    If I didn’t restrain myself from it.
    To break free from the prison of my mind
    That holds me chained against my will.

    The disorder has me in a chokehold,
    And there is no release.
    I am in an endless battle with my mind,
    And I wish I could just be free.

    How does it feel
    To not be restricted by behavior
    That stops you from leaving your house?
    Repetitive, agonizing, panicky behavior

    What a relief it would be, to just be.

    Kaylee Field

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