  • Eight Years

    As I took a trip down memory lane
    I thought I’d write you a letter
    It’s a letter in your memory
    One I’ll carry with me forever

    It was Valentine’s Day 2011
    The story of your new life begins
    I wandered through the shelter aisles
    I was looking for a special friend

    Several people passed you by
    And at first, I did too
    But you wouldn’t stop crying in your cage
    Begging me to pick you

    I remember your big hazel eyes
    And your gigantic ears
    And the big red bow tied around your neck
    And how your face was stained with tears

    I knew from that moment you were the one
    And you were the one every day after
    You were sick and you were scared
    But you still managed to bring me laughter

    Those few years went by so fast
    They were almost a blur to me
    We went to the park, you learned new tricks
    And sometimes you struggled to breathe

    Your heart slowly began to give way
    But you still put up a fight
    Every moment was a precious gift
    During your final year of life

    But the time had come, you could fight no more
    I tried everything to keep you alive
    It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done
    But I had to say goodbye

    An empty basket sat in the car beside me
    The night I left the vet’s
    I only had your collar in my hand
    And I came home to your empty bed

    I miss you every day of my life
    But there are days I miss you more
    You were my very first baby boy
    The one I loved and adored

    But you are not suffering anymore
    You are running wild and free
    Over the rainbow bridge
    And watching over me

    Okay, maybe you’re not really watching me
    It’s just my silly dreams
    I’ve been holding onto your memory
    Since September 2019

    You looked back for a moment
    It was time for you to fly
    Over the rainbow bridge
    Our final goodbye

    You could’ve been anyone’s dog
    But I’m so glad that you were mine
    I’ll miss you forever
    My Valentine

    Yes, I’ll miss you forever
    Eight years just wasn’t enough time

    Cherie Matzen

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    Voting ends October 4, 2024 11:59pm

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    • I cried reading this; I am sitting holding onto my dog now and she is looking at me like I am nuts. Pets are our family and losing them is heart-breaking. Take pride in the fact that you gave her a wonderful home and loved her until the very end and beyond.

      Write me back 

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