  • Uniquely Free

    Dear younger self, amidst the labyrinth of youth,
    Where uncertainties clouded paths, obscured truth,
    You wandered through the years, searching deep,
    Seeking identity, secrets to keep.

    In the echoes of doubt and questioning gaze,
    You found strength, navigating life’s maze,
    Discovering within, a steadfast belief,
    Not in heavens above, but in earthly relief.

    From hesitant whispers to confident voice,
    You embraced being atheist, making your choice,
    Rejecting the dogma that others proclaimed,
    Finding solace in reason, where truths remained.

    In the mirror’s reflection, you faced your own face,
    Accepting your disability, with dignity and grace,
    Learning that difference does not mean less,
    But a unique perspective, a strength to confess.

    Happiness blossomed in the garden of your brain,
    Not in falsehoods taught, but in being whole,
    You learned to breathe freely, unburdened and light,
    Embracing your stance, standing firm in your right.

    Dear younger me, in the tapestry of time’s weave,
    You discovered the power to believe,
    In yourself, in your journey, unswayed by fear,
    A woman of substance, your path crystal clear.

    In a world where convictions often clash,
    You found peace in embracing your own path,
    An atheist, disabled, woman, proud and true,
    In the vast expanse of life, embracing all of you.

    Rebecca Engle

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Rebecca, your grit is an inspiration to me. I love how you describe what you endured when you were younger with strength and poise. It sounds like you have been a freethinker for your entire life. The power of embracing who you are is indescribable. Thank you for sharing!

      Write me back 

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