  • The Day You left Became the Day I Began

    The Day You left Became the Day I Began
    The Day you left became my strength within,
    You were my fraternal twin,
    From the day we met,
    Our bond we kept,
    Sisters forever,
    We thrived together,
    We played on our playset,
    Laughing, running, jumping into the sunset,
    Until that day that you left,
    Oh, how I will never forget,
    You were so much fun as we would grow and learn,
    Now my heart yearns,
    Throughout our school age years,
    You protected me from my peers,
    See we were a team,
    We fought daily to have our dream,
    We knew that together we were better,
    Our differences did not matter,
    Laughing, running, jumping together,
    Until the day you left me forever,
    I was so confused the day you became ill,
    You were so strong and had great will,
    The will to achieve,
    The will to believe,
    I just knew you could pull through, with the powers that be,
    God knew and could hear my plea,
    I could not help you but only be by your side,
    Like twins do, I was in for the ride,
    I never thought with all your strength and might,
    That my forever sister would lose her fight,
    I did find peace in my heart,
    There was nothing that could keep us apart,
    When a friend asked, how do I keep my order,
    I simply said, it is my sister and her higher power,
    You left me that day,
    It must have not been your time to stay,
    However, what never left was my vivid memories of how you protected me,
    You left me with your strength deep down inside me,
    You left me with your enthusiastic desire to win,
    I know I will fight until the end,
    Your strength your pride,
    You left that for me on the inside,
    I know that your love for me will never leave,
    There is nothing I cannot achieve,
    Because of your love for me and I for you,
    There is nothing I cannot do,
    I will always miss you forever,
    My love for you I will never surrender,
    Laughing, running, jumping, together,
    You have inspired me my whole life through to be whatever I wish to be,
    Nothing will ever separate you from me.
    By Angela Pinkins

    Angela Pinkins

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    Voting ends October 4, 2024 11:59pm

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    • Angela, as a mother of fraternal twins I cannot imagine the pain you must feel at losing your sister. There is a strong connection between twins that transcends the bond between most siblings. I can tell this connection continues after death because of how you still feel your sister with you. Thank you for sharing your experience.

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      • Thank you Emmy! Yes it has been a journey! I appreciate your kind words and especially the your comments on continuing our bond we shared in my heart! She is always in my mind and her love for me never left!

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