  • Nysha Camilo shared a letter in the Group logo of Chasing Your DreamsChasing Your Dreams group 3 months ago

    Big Ol Lil Me

    My bright light blinds most, no sunglasses will help
    That is a fact that makes most mad
    I used to not get why, but I figured it out –
    My light illuminates what you run from
    Illuminates all your fears and doubts
    You seek the illusion of healing through drinking, smoking, sexing, popping, sniffing
    Basically whatever buries your feelings
    Convincing yourself that that is what cures your inside dealings
    Not accepting that your running from your own war
    You know the one you feel way down deep in your core
    So when you see “lil ol me” you think
    Who does she think she is? She acts like shes better than everyone else
    Nah this is just what confidence looks like
    And the truth is confidence used to feel so weird to me
    Like learning how to ride a bike
    But I used to wonder why not clap for me? Be happy for me? Proud of me? Why not support me? Cheer me on a little?
    So I sat down and I had to figure something else out
    People can only treat you as good as they treat themselves
    I mean think about it, how would anyone give you more love then they give their own self?
    So I can’t let what you say or portray bother me
    Especially when your on a level that I used to be
    One I had to train myself overtime to continuously flee
    That is why you won’t understand what I do and you definitely won’t agree
    You can’t see that what I’m doing is actually what makes me free
    I no longer can let what you say affect me from doing me
    Lil ol me is moving onto big ol lil me things
    Sorry but not sorry if that makes your insides sting

    Nysha Lee

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