  • andreamorgan97 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At PeaceWrite A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At Peace 3 months, 2 weeks ago


    Serenity finds me in the dark crevices of my mind…
    Where the space in between my ears and behind my eyes meet…
    Where daffodils hold onto the dreams I’ve wept…

    Harmony finds me in the songs I sing…
    My aches and pains alleviated with every syllable hummed…
    My soul flies free as the melodies glide from note to note…
    My senses are tickled by the symphonies and lyrics created to guide the music to my vessel…

    Tranquility finds me in my slumber…
    Where my mind is awake and my body is asleep…
    Where my hopes, desires, and fears parlay creating multiple lives steeped…
    Where the sheep prance across the night sky waiting for me to count thee…
    Solitude in my sleep granting me the splendid peace…

    Andrea Morgan

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    • Your writing is brilliant! I love how powerful and expressive your words are and the repetitive use of ellipses adds an ethereal quality to the way this poem reads. The simplicity of the concept combined with the vivid imagery you create makes this poem an amazing read.

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    • I agree with Julia! This is so vivid. You can feel and visualize where and when you feel peace. Great job! Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren

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