  • sarakumar10 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At PeaceWrite A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At Peace 3 months, 3 weeks ago

    Finding Peace at Doors

    Dear Friend,
    My heart is listening to a voice that guides me to an open door
    My heart is listening to a voice that guides me to an open door and says enter
    My heart is listening to a voice that guides me to an open door and says enter and
    you can let people know
    My heart is listening to a voice that guides me to an open door and says enter and
    people will send hearts
    My heart is listening to a voice that guides me to an open door and says enter and
    if you need a nap, that will be fine here
    My heart is listening to a voice that guides me to an open door and says enter and
    there is a friend at your side comin

    My heart is so happy to write a song

    My heart is so happy to wait and rest knowing I can write a song

    My heart is so happy because peace is non man-made

    My heart is so happy because peace is needing my involvement

    My heart is so happy because I can rest now

    My heart is at peace

    Friend, I love you

    Sara Kumar

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    • Sara, your poem inspires me to find peace through the love and support of friends. It is a beautiful reminder that we do not have to fight our battles alone. One of my best friends always centers me after I see her, and it seems like this friend does the same for you. I love the line “My heart is listening to a voice that guides me to an open door and says enter and if you need a nap, that will be fine here.” Friends allow us to take the “naps” we need so that we are rejuvenated and ready to face all that life throws at us.

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    • Sara, it sounds like your place of peace is whatever you do when you follow your heart. Keep following your heart. When you do magical things happen. <3 Lauren

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