  • Dominique Nesbitt shared a letter in the Group logo of Chasing Your DreamsChasing Your Dreams group 3 months, 1 weeks ago

    Appreciation Loop

    When I make peace with where I am
    I find myself feeling more
    appreciation again, and then
    the intuitive impulses start
    coming in—so I can begin
    taking aligned action. And these
    steps lead, inevitably, to enjoying
    the experience of being me.

    In short, appreciation
    for where I am transports me
    to where, who and how
    I want to be. But then—
    again, I am back, it seems
    —seeking the realization of new
    as-yet-unfulfilled dreams—except
    this time I understand
    that the only thing in the way
    of my realizing them
    is the way this moment
    is perceived.

    So I make peace
    with where I am, and find
    appreciation again, for the fact
    that I am always on the right path,
    and it’s all working out in
    my favor, ultimately.

    Dominique Nesbitt

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