  • A Note To A Young Reader

    To that boy there near the school swing,
    Head deep in that Dictionary,
    Reading, to his Apex, new things,
    Like there’s no nearby Library.
    Just keep on learning new words,their feature,
    Cuz they will be of use in the future.

    In ten years in different country; at a loss for words,
    New School, New Clothes; New Jersey with shoes on an Old Bridge,
    O-hi, o-low you go through the corn state forward,
    Oh crap, I’ve used too much words; lets keep it abridged,
    The words you’ve read you’ll share with the rest of the world.
    Don’t fret about tomorrow, just stay out of the fridge.


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    • Nnamdi, what a fun and cheeky read! I love the glimpse you gave us of who you were as a child, the one with his book in the dictionary learning new words, and making sense of your new environment. Indeed, learning those words will be of use in the future, as you write poems to share with our community. Thank you <3 Juvi

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      • Thank you for being my first comment, Juvie, and I am glad that you enjoyed my poem. Yeah, transitioning to the US was a little hard at first, but I lived in Old Bridge, NJ for a while (New School, New Clothes; New Jersey with shoes on an Old Bridge) and now I live in Ohio (O-hi, o-low you go). Also, please check my latest entry. I did swap my first two names in a rush (Long story short, I mostly go by Jermaine in the states and Nnamdi in my former home country; both are my given names). Please check it out.

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