  • It's gonna be okay - it's going to be alright

    Dear Patty Risch:
    Do not fret my dear. Do not despair. Cause everything is gonna be okay.
    Do not spend one minute worrying. For it doesn’t solve a single problem. Life promises joy and sorrow. Visit the sorrow but don’t stay there too long. Life is an adventure. Don’t waste it trying to get approval from others in vain. Be kind, love wisely, and never ever forget everything is going to be alright!!


    Patricia A. Fallon

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    • I love the part in which you say ” Visit the sorrow but don’t stay there too long.” That touched me because it’s true that sorrow is a part of life but it’s our choice whether we want to dwell there! Thank you sharing this piece with the community <3 Juvi

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    • I love how direct this is. I can see you saying it to little you! Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren

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