  • To My Worry

    All these thoughts spinning me lies
    Wringing me out and leaving me dry
    Blinded by the blackened skies
    Shadows and haunts creeping by
    What- ifs and worries cloud my eyes

    Eating me through from the inside out
    Chewing me raw giving me doubt
    Like termites in a log, gluttonous they flout.
    Stewing in stench as rotting trout
    Smothered in silence I can’t scream or shout

    Hurricanes and stabbing rains
    Try to tell myself it’s all in feign
    These knotting pits drive me insane
    Churning my stomach writhing in pain
    Wish I could flush them down the drain

    Driving safely down the street
    Intrusive thoughts that can’t be beat
    I should be dead, no reason to be
    No right to cry or even to breathe.
    Hit the gas, then swerve into the tree.

    Is it real or make believe?

    Drowning, twisting, squirming, tight
    Tingling, torture, stinging, fight

    Biting, choking, scorching, spite
    Dead-end turns, endless plight
    Waste of time, waste of might

    It’ll be ok, I’ll be alright.

    I wish I had seen; I wish I believed
    You have no power over me!

    K. Hartsell

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    • Wow! What a powerful poem that really captures the torment that negative and anxious thoughts have on us. The what-ifs and worries can escalate so quickly, becoming all-consuming… I know what that feels like. I hope you continue to break those negative thought patterns, because, as you said, they have no power over you!! <3 Juvi

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      • Thank you very much Juvi! I truly wish I’d learned in my youth to break cycle. So much wasted imagination and time. Thank you for taking the time to read and reply!

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