  • Supplicate

    Knees rug-burnt on the carpet
    praying for freedom one day
    in your high school body
    and your high school face
    caked with wet mascara
    searching for someplace
    that is home
    but where is home?
    Will you ever know what that is?
    You don’t belong here
    so you thought:
    “I belong nowhere.”
    No wine to quench
    how parched you are
    for acceptance
    so hungry
    for independence
    you thought you were praying to god
    but you were praying to me.
    As the creator of your destiny—
    how rich you life will be.
    In your woman body
    with your woman face
    my god
    my force
    how gorgeous is your vessel now
    to grow into your soul
    reaching up into the sky
    like redwoods, sycamores—
    ever-growing so divine.
    Embrace your unbelonging
    so much, that you’ll belong
    to everyone and
    everywhere like
    wind and air and water
    and I heard your sobs of yearning
    egg-shaped on the floor
    begging for some glimmer
    some proof that there is more
    but you need this storm
    to crack you open
    you need this pain
    you need disaster
    so you can bring those shards together.
    The pointy pieces hurt, I know
    like countless shrapnel splinters
    but bit by bit
    you’ll dig them out
    and fill the wounds with earth…
    when harvest comes,
    you’ll be so humbled
    by how much it was worth
    and instead of praying
    to a man-made god
    for the shackles to release—
    the world folds with all your thanks
    as you bring it to its knees.

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    • I love the juxtaposition of the first and final line, being the same words with opposite meanings.

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    • When you wrote:
      “No wine to quench
      how parched you are
      for acceptance
      so hungry
      for independence”
      I felt that in my bones. This beautifully written poem perfectly encapsulates the awkward and sometimes painful “unbecoming” of womanhood and how ultimately it leads us back home to ourselves. Loved it <3 Juvi

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    • You are brilliant. Every piece you write is creative, thoughtful, wise, and well-told. Your mind is amazing and powerful. And I love that your journey has left you with an abundance of gratitude. I think gratitude is key to a happy life. Thank you for sharing! <3 Lauren

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