  • Carpe Diem

    1 day, 24 hours, 1,440 minutes, and 86,400 seconds
    Time filled with choices to make
    Tick, tock time never stops
    Not for you, not for me, not for anyone

    Anxiety takes over my body, making me frightened of everything
    Freeze activated full swing
    Yet my mind still runs at a very high pace
    Tick tock, time never stops
    Not for you, not for me, not for anyone

    I face the reality, I can’t make my future if I’m stuck in my past
    If I do, my future me will never truly last
    I stop, I breathe, I face, and I fight

    Fixation never fixed any situation
    Yet goals must be made to move onward and upward
    In this moment is where I choose to be
    To focus on my choices to make me a better version of me

    Opportunities pop up on the move
    Hence why worrying is disapproved
    Tick tock I stopped paying attention to the clock
    Happier me and opportunities are finally unblocked

    Nysha Lee

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