  • Titus Armon shared a letter in the Group logo of Introductions, Icebreakers and PromptsIntroductions, Icebreakers and Prompts group 3 months, 3 weeks ago

    New Here

    Hello everyone…I’m new here, but not new to writing. I’ve been having a hard time getting back into writing and being inspired to write or even get the urge. I’ve had small surges here and there lately…but maybe this site can help change that.

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    • Yess! Write from your heart and soul. Just let all your feelings all and just write. <3 Lauren

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    • I think we’ve all had this issue at one point or another. This year I signed up for a writing challenge (write one poem a day for a year). While most of what I write either needs heavy editing or has no hope unless I completely re-write it, at least I have pieces to work from. One of my favorite sayings is that you can’t edit what isn’t written. Maybe try forcing yourself to write something each day. Get into a habit. And, some days, what you write will be worth the effort! ❤️

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      • Following. I’ve also been having some writer’s block lately.

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      • Necia….I used to do some exercises like that. Maybe I’ll try some to help. I did complete something yesterday…and now I’m getting the urge to do something now. I usually only write when I’m feeling it or getting the urge…to be into it. I’m like that through and through. I can’t do much if I’m not into it. But now that I think about it…perhaps that perspective could change and I could have more of an outcome…pushing to do so. Interesting.

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    • Titus, Try taking all your most hateful angery thoughts and emotions and write them all on one side of a piece of paper. Then take all your best positive and good thoughts on the other side of the paper. Find the ones from both sides of the paper that you’re dealing with and going through in your present circumstances, and drawl lines connecting from worse to best. Then process in your mind how you can transform the pessimism into the optimism using your imagination and real life circumstances about the good you have experienced in your past, want to experience in your present, and will experience in your future by faith… Never hurts to pray 🙏 brother. 😎

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    • Titus,
      I used to write all the time. Then I didn’t. Now I write for work, and my desire to write my own ideas is waking up. The struggle is in the doing for me. My best ideas come when I’m working out. I started writing down the ideas, they wait for me to flesh them out. I do and I will do more.
      I hope you find inspiration from the prompts in this group. I hope you find inspiration in the world around you. I hope you find inspiration in the thoughts and ideas that you want the world to see through your eyes. I hope you inspire others.
      There are great things yet to be done, we have only to do them.

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