  • Canvas of Dreams

    There’s a stirring within me,
    a fervent desire to be seen and heard;
    a dormant talent calling out,
    beckoning to appear.
    Countless thoughts,
    endless visions.

    The artist emerges,
    brush in hand,
    painting a scene so serene,
    igniting a fire from within.

    Can I unveil these parts of me?
    Will I be favorably received?
    Listen closely:
    My voice will echo-
    Recognize this, my unique sound,
    for soon, favor shall be found.

    Kristina Johnson

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    • Aww Kristina, I love this. I once had a conversation with a baseball pitcher who pitched in a World Series (talk about pressure). He told me he never focused on the outcome – only on the process. If you have an urge to share your art and voice with the world – just do it. Share and share and share. Don’t worry about how it will be received. Find safe spaces, like The Unsealed, and start slow, but if you have something to paint, write, or say – just do it. The people it’s meant to reach and connect with will love it. But self-expression is so powerful and the root of all the best works of art. This is a great piece. And I can’t wait to see what you create next. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed. <3 Lauren

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    • Kristina, I love the title! You are beautiful and painting beautifully for all to see!!!

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