

  • Remember How?

    Remember how fearless you were?
    You danced without a care in the of those watching you.
    You voiced an opinion without cracking your words in between.
    Remember how fearless you were?
    Standing your ground, not caring if you seem like a fool.
    You were always running with determined speed, feeling the cool breeze beneath your arms and the freedom of your feet dashing through the town.
    Remember how fearless you were?
    Filling up your soul by singing to your heart’s delight.
    Always bring a smile to others with your silly jokes and portray imitations.
    I loved you then and love you now. I miss that little girl within…
    Bring her back soon before you forget how fearless you once were.

    Zenobia Merced Bonilla

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Zenobia, I love this! You were fearless as a child and I can tell that you still have that fire within you! Even though you have grown up and lost some of your childhood features and traits, you are still the same person as you once were. It may not feel like it, but you still can be as fearless as you were before! I believe in you! Don’t let…read more

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