

  • In Your Shoes With Love

    I’ve learned to not walk in your shoes
    The ones where you took them off in the club
    The ones where you didn’t get your feet rubbed by a lover

    The ones where you ran away from all that loved you
    The ones where you stepped on glass and didn’t understand you were protected

    I’ve learned to not walk in shoes
    That didn’t belong to me anyway
    I learned to not walk in shoes because they didn’t get me closer to you

    I learned that your shoes held memories
    I never wanted to have
    But needed.

    I learned from your shoes how much you love yourself
    How much you punish yourself for loving others
    I learned how much you’re willing to give and give
    Until you’re depleted

    I have learned from your shoes
    With love:that this world has mistreated your heart
    Held it in their hands and called you
    “BABY. You know nothing.”

    And yet you’ve walked in so many hoe’s
    And yet I’ve walked in yours
    And I still see that I love you

    I love your scars
    I love your sadness
    I love your happiness
    I love how you love
    Even when the love hasn’t been returned to you

    So, my love.
    I want you to know that I would walk in your shoes again
    And again
    And again

    Until we meet at a crossroads
    Between time and space
    And I would trade shoes with you

    Just so we can be close again
    I love you
    And I want to rub your feet
    The ones that are tired of running from the love you give

    So. You too can feel like love
    Because you always have been
    Running from yourself.

    Rest your heart, your mind.
    Your Soul
    Your shoes

    Your spirit

    With me.

    Allow me to be with you
    You beautiful soul
    With feet made to fit the palms of my hands

    I will always walk in your shoes.
    Til the end of time.

    My love.

    Zakia Wells

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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    • This piece beautifully expresses a deep, empathetic love, acknowledging the pain and journey of another while offering unwavering support and connection.

      Write me back 

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