

  • Little Girl

    Little girl
    Why do you cry?
    Is it the thundering storm outside your boarded up window?
    Is it the lingering chill you feel without a blanket to cover you?

    Little girl
    I know you’re scared.
    Mommy brought home another bad man.
    Another man who hurt you in many ways.
    You lie in your bed, cold, naked, and alone.
    What did you do to deserve this?

    Little girl
    Did you do something wrong?
    Did you make too much noise in the silence?
    Did Mommy take her angry shot?
    Does Mommy hate you?

    Little girl
    Please don’t cry.
    You are loved by me,
    I am you, but in another time.

    Little girl
    I remember the cold nights.
    I remember the hunger.
    I remember the fear.
    I remember how much you hurt.
    How much we hurt.

    Little girl
    I love you.
    I’ve always loved you.
    I’ve loved you since we were born.

    Little girl
    The life you’re in is hard.
    It’s scary, lonesome, painful.
    Nobody can help you escape just yet.
    The time will come, I promise.

    Little girl
    You are so much braver than you know.
    You are so delicate and imaginative.
    You feel and give with everything you have,
    Even when you have nothing.

    Little girl
    I love how strong you are.
    I love how you smile at the sun through the cracks of your boarded window.
    I love how you dream of running in the warm summer light.
    I love how you laugh.
    I love how you cry.
    I love you, even with the bruises and scars you have all over your small pale body.

    Little girl
    I love you.
    Because you made me stronger.

    Sky Herrington

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Sky, I am so sorry for what has happened to you. You never deserved any of those things to happen to you. Those people never intended to hurt you like this. The love that you had for others never died. Even through the darkest times in your life, you stayed so strong. You have persevered through so much and I am so proud of you for that. You are a…read more

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